The Ultimate Ayurveda Guide for IBS Treatment

The Ultimate Ayurveda Guide for IBS Treatment

Welcome to the world of Ayurveda for IBS free life ! This  ultimate  Ayurveda guide for IBS relief is truly a revolunationary plan that combines the most effective  strategies of ayurvedic treatment for IBS for life long relief from irritable bowel syndrome.

This program is designed to provide you all the essential things needed to tranform yourself from a disease to healthy indivivual.. No matter how chronic your IBS problem is or how many different treatments you have taken this 30 day program has all the ingredients to take your life to healthiest state. If you are ready to give at least an hour  a day to the program understanding and applying the concept consistently you will gradually notice improvements in quality of life on daliy basis..

So before we get in details of program lets fisrt what is IBS and it’s Ayurveda prespective.

What is IBS ?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterized by symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. While modern medicine offers various treatments, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, provides holistic approaches to manage IBS by addressing the root cause and restoring balance to the body. This ultimate guide explores Ayurveda principles, lifestyle modifications, dietary recommendations, and herbal remedies for effective IBS management.

Understanding IBS from Ayurveda perspective

In Ayurveda, IBS is viewed as a disturbance in the balance of the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), leading to impaired digestion and elimination. According to Ayurvedic principles, poor digestion, excessive stress, improper diet, and erratic lifestyle habits contribute to the aggravation of doshas, resulting in IBS symptoms. The main cause of IBS is mandagni which means Weak digestive power. so lets see how digestion works in Ayurveda. Irritable bowel syndrome is called Grahani  in Ayurveda . It is a digestive disorder that affects the stomach , and intestine also called the gastrointestinal tract. 

How Digestion works in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, digestion is considered a key aspect of overall health and well-being. According to Ayurvedic principles, digestion involves not only the physical breakdown of food but also its transformation into energy (prana) and bodily tissues (dhatus). Here’s an overview of the digestion process in Ayurveda:

Agni ( Digestive Fire) : Agni reprents the digestive fire, which is responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste. Jathragni is the main Agni followed by 7 dhatu agni which are responsible for making of dhatus which means tissues. Agni that works at the cellular level is known as bhutagnis.

When the Agni is not functioning properly or it is weak this leads to formation of undigested food particles known as Ama. This Ama slowly gets accumulated in the body. It is consiedred as root cause of many diseases including Irritable Bowel Syndrome.




Types of Digestive Fire : Ayurveda recognises four main types of Agni

Mand Agni : This means weak digestive fire or slow digestion. In Ayurveda weak digestion or Mandagni is considered a significant factor contributing to gastrointestinal disorders, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS). 

Tikshna Agni : Strong digestive fire, resulting in quick digestion but may lead to conditions like heartburn or acidity if imbalanced.

 Vishama Agni : Irregular digestive fire, characterized by unpredictable digestion and appetite.

Sama  Agni : Balanced digestive fire, where digestion is efficient and there is no accumulation of ama



30 Day IBS relief program

 30 day  IBS releif  program is  highly individualised Ayurvedic treatment for IBS  It starts with  taking into account each person’s unique constitution, digestive capacity, and specific imbalances. A qualified Ayurvedic practitioner will conduct a thorough assessment and tailor the treatment approach to address the individual’s needs comprehensively. This 30 days person will see remarkable improvements in his/her symptoms.

By addressing weak digestion through the holistic principles of Ayurveda, individuals can experience improvements in digestive function, relief from symptoms of IBS, and overall enhancement of well-being. It’s essential to work closely with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to receive personalized guidance and support on your journey towards digestive health and harmony. 

In this 30 day program you will get 

Ayurveda Doctor Consultation

Detoxification of Body

What you should eat & what to Avoid 

How should be your daily routine to beat IBS 

Which Yoga, Meditation, and Exercise is best for you

Ayurvedic Herbs and Medicines 

By following the above recommendations and taking Ayurvedic medicine for 30 days you will get 100% relief from IBS.


How Ayurveda Approaches IBS Treatment

1. Identifying the Root Cause: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of understanding the individual’s unique constitution (Prakriti) and the underlying imbalances (Vikriti) contributing to IBS. Factors such as dietary habits, lifestyle choices, stress levels, and environmental influences are carefully assessed to determine the root cause of  Irritable Bowel syndrome.


  1. Balancing Agni: The primary goal of Ayurvedic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome is to balance Agni. This may involve incorporating specific herbs, spices, foods, and lifestyle practices that stimulate and strengthen the digestive fire. Digestive herbs like ginger, cumin, fennel, coriander, and cardamom are commonly used to enhance Agni and promote optimal digestion.


  1. Dietary Recommendations: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of following a diet that supports digestion and nourishes the body without overburdening the digestive system. Recommendations may include consuming warm, cooked meals that are easy to digest, favoring whole foods over processed or heavy foods, and avoiding incompatible food combinations that can impair digestion.



  1. Herbal Remedies : Ayurvedic herbs and formulations are utilized to support digestive function, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms associated with weak digestion and IBS. Some commonly used herbs include Trikatu (a blend of ginger, black pepper, and long pepper), Hingwashtak Churna (a digestive powder containing asafoetida and other herbs), and Amalaki (Indian gooseberry), known for its rejuvenating and digestive properties.
  2. Lifestyle Modifications: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of adopting lifestyle practices that promote digestive health, including mindful eating habits, regular exercise, adequate hydration, stress management techniques (such as yoga and meditation), and maintaining a balanced daily routine.
  3. Detoxification Therapies : In case of severe dosha imbalance, Ayurvedic detoxfication therapies, known as Panchakarma may be recommended to eliminate accumulated toxins ( ama)  from the body, restore Agni and rejuvenate the digestive system.

The Ahara : Diet in IBS

The Ahar means daily diet play very important role in overcoming any health problem especially digestive problems like IBS.

Start your day with herbal tea. 

Take 2 cups of water and add some ginger, corriander seed, fennel seed and boil it upto 1 cup of water. You can little bit of jaggery to it or sip it directly.

Take more fiber in your diet

One must eat seasonal fruits as much as posiible. 

Fix your meals timing

You should take lunch by 12 pm in the morning and dinner by 7: 30 pm in the night.

Always take light and easily digestible food.

Diet & Lifestyle recommendation

Start Your Day at 5 AM Daily

Sit quitly for 15 minutes try to concentrate.

Concentration also bring with it quite serene mind. A serene mind brings with it a healthier body as your health is clearly rooted in your thoughts.

Do yoga or some exercise

Start your exercise today itself. Physical activities in the morning is very helpful in relieving stress. Moreover it increases the blood flow towards the intestine and helps in improving digestion. Do it for next 30 days daily and see the improvements.

Apply oil to your Body

This oil massage will provide you deep sense of relaxation & peace. What more it takes only 5 minutes of your time and you can do it by yourself. This is very important part of our 30 day program.

Do your Prayers

After taking bath do pray to god for healthy mind and body. Prayers have positive impact on our body and mind and helps in healing.

Get Enough Sleep

Research  shows that sleep disturbance  could make  digestive power worse.  Lack of sleep also increases Vata dosha in the body which aggravtes the IBS symptoms. Therefore it is necessary to take at least 7-8 hrs of sound sleep. 

Ayurvedic Medicines Used in IBS

1. Chitrikadi Vati  

This is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for treating the IBS because it works as digestive and carminative. It works on the root cause of the disease and also helps to relieve symptoms such as bloating and gas. Chitrikadi vati helps in improving the digestion. Moreover it is very ussfull in Ama digestion.

2. Kutajaristh 

It is best medicine in case of chronic Ibs. It Ibs there is weakness of  Jathragni (digestive fire) and Pachak pitta ( Digestive enzymes) Kutajaristh helps to stimulate the pachak pitta  and reignite the digestive fire. It is also very effective in person having recurrent Ibs symptoms. 

3.  Sanjivani Vati :

This is very effective in early stages of ibs and specially Ibs in which there is frequent diarheaa. This is effective in removing the Ama ( toxins ) from the digestive tract.

4. Bilwa Phaladi  churna

This ayurvedic preparation is good for controlling the loose motions in ibs and also helps in strenthening the colon. It is also very effective in case of ulcerative colotis.

5. Hingwastak churna

This is also a very common and effective ayurvedic formulation to treat and manage IBS. It is very good digestive formulation and relieves  gas and bloating.

There are many other medicines and herbs to help a person having trouble with IBS. However before taking any medicine or herbs always consult an expert Ayurvedic doctor to know which one will best to your condition. 


IBS is a chronic digestive disorder and is caused mainly because of weak digestive power. For complete relief from irritable bowel syndrome it is neccessary to find the root cause and correct it. This is possible only with Ayurveda. One can get complete relief by working on three thing first is Ahar that means diet, the secondly the lifestyle and lastly the sleep.  So if you are looking for relief from IBS then you must consult Ayurveda doctor .

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