Unlock the Ayurvedic secret to Treat Acidity permanently.
Treat Acidity permanently

Unlock the Ayurvedic secret to Treat Acidity permanently.

Do you have 100% cure for acidity? Can you give me guarantee that my acidity problem will go permanently ? Asked Avinash.

We as Ayurvedic doctor have to face such questions from our patients daily. This is because they are fed up with there present medication which is not able to give them complete  relief but are left on support of medications for whole life.  We are seeing many people coming to us and say that they are taking this antacids pills or too long and now want to get rid of this medications as well as the problem of acidity but don’t know how.

Also they are worried about the side effects of taking this medications for long period of time. So if you are one among many taking antacid regularly then you must also think of Ayurveda.

Around 56% Indian family report acidity or other digestive problem .Taking antacid pills daily have become ritual for many .However people are unaware that acidity or heartburn that they are suppressing today may be the cause of some bigger health issue later. Moreover the medicines that they are taking is also taking them no where as the problem persist..

So what is the solution ?

The solution is Ayurvedic  treatment and medicine for acidity that not only gives quick relief but also corrects the root cause of acidity .

Acidity, or hyperacidity, is an imbalance in the digestive system that can have a wide range of symptoms and causes. In Ayurveda, acidity is generally caused by an imbalance of the digestive fire, or agni.. When agni is not balanced, it can cause the body to produce too much acid or pitta and lead to the development of acidity.

Acidity can lead to a range of symptoms, including indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, and stomach pains. Ayurveda offers a range of dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help balance agni and reduce the symptoms of acidity. Herbal remedies, such as ginger, turmeric, and coriander, are also recommended to help treat acidity.

Ayurveda the ancient science of health has told many remedies for relieving acidity. This remedies include simple herbs and spices, dietary changes, lifestyle management and Ayurvedic medicine for acidity.

Why is my body producing more acid than others ?

From an Ayurvedic perspective, acidity is caused by an imbalance of the digestive fire, or agni. When Agni is too weak, it can lead to an increase in acid production, resulting in acidity. Other causes of acidity include

  1. Poor dietary choices, such as eating heavy, fried, or processed foods, as well as eating too quickly.
  2. Stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep can also contribute to acidity.
  3. Hectic schedule and lack of physical activities leads to acid formation in stomach.
  4. In addition, certain medications, such as antibiotics and pain relievers, can also lead to an increase in acid production.
  5. Another cause is irregular meals timing especially taking dinner late in the night.

So you need to identify what among above is causing more acid secretion.

Do I need to take Ayurvedic medicine treatment for life long ?

Ayurvedic treatment works on the root cause of disease and bring balance in the vitiated dosha’s. Once the objective is achieved there is no need to take medication. That the unique feature of Ayurvedic treatment that it cures the disease completely .So there is no need of medicines for life long.

Let’s understand  how Ayurvedic  treatment & medicine work in acidity

Ayurvedic treatment and medicine works to restore balance and harmony in the body. In the case of acidity, We  will look for the underlying cause of the imbalance and work to address it. Firstly  we will be cleansing the body internally by throwing the toxins out of the body. Secondly you will be given  Ayurvedic medicine that wil  help in improving the digestive fire and bringing the excess pitta back to normal. Lastly we will  recommend specific  Ayurvedic diet plan that are best suited for your body type, that can help bring balance in pitta dosha & reduce acidity. In addition to this, we  will also recommend specific yoga poses and pranayama techniques to help reduce acidity.

What are the best Ayurvedic medicine  used for acidity treatment

The best Ayurvedic medicine for acidity will depend on the individual and their specific needs. However, some common Ayurvedic medicines for acidity include ginger, fennel, coriander, cumin seeds and asafoetida. Herbal teas made with these ingredients can be a great way to reduce acidity and soothe the digestive system. Along with this certain medications such as

  • Avipattikar churna
  • Kamdudha Ras
  • Mulethi Powder
  • Amla powder
  • Shatavari powder
  • Bhrinraj
  • Sootshekhar Ras
  • Prawal panchamrit Ras

Ayurveda is personalized way of treatment so what works for one person may not work for other. Therefore always consult  an Ayurvedic doctor before taking any of above herbs and medicine and find out which is best suitable for you

Simple Changes in you dietary habits that can help you manage Acidity

  • Ayurveda recommends a diet that is easy to digest and provides the body with the nourishment it needs.
  • Eating smaller meals that are cooked with fresh ingredients and eaten slowly can help balance Agni and reduce the symptoms of acidity.
  •  Eating a diet that is low in sugar, processed foods, and fried items can also help reduce acidity.
  • Avoiding spicy and sour foods is also recommended, as they can aggravate the symptoms of acidity.
  • In addition, drinking warm water throughout the day can help reduce acidity.

Home  Remedies for Acidity

Herbal remedies can be a great way to help reduce the symptoms of acidity. Herbs such as  ginger, fennel seeds, and coriander can help to balance agni and reduce the symptoms of acidity.

Ginger tea can be a great way to help reduce acidity and soothe the digestive system.

Turmeric can also be helpful, as it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce symptoms.

Finally, coriander can help to reduce the production of acids and can be taken as a tea or added to food

Summary of Acidity in Ayurveda

Acidity is an imbalance in the digestive system that can be caused by an imbalance of the digestive fire, or agni.. It can be a difficult condition to manage ,but with right diet, lifestyle and Ayurvedic medicine for acidity it is possible to get complete long lasting relief from acidity. Also     Ayurveda recommends a  range of holistic approaches to help balance agni . The correct diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies can help to restore balance to the digestive system and reduce the symptoms of acidity.

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