Piles Ayurvedic Treatment – Causes, Symptoms & Remedies
Piles Ayurvedic treatment

Piles Ayurvedic Treatment – Causes, Symptoms & Remedies

Piles- an extremely discomforting and painful digestive disorder. It is also known as haemorrhoids primarily caused by distention and congestion of the internal and external venous plexuses around the anal canal.

In Ayurveda, it is recognized as “Arsha Roga” caused by an imbalance of Tridosha. In such conditions, the veins of the lower anus and rectum get swollen and there are lumps or inflamed tissues around the anal canal. It is interlinked with constipation and straining at defecation (while passing stool).

Bright red bleeding after defecation or prolapse of something through the rectum which disappears after defecation are certain common complications that patients with piles experience. Aging is a major risk factor for the development of piles because of weakened tissues supporting the rectum and anus.

Worry not!
With Ayurveda, it can be cured ….

Causes of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

There are several factors that could be responsible for the occurrence of piles. A brief of these factors is as follows:

  • Weak digestion : This is the rrot cause of many diseases including piles. In fact Acharya Vagbhat has said the piles cannot develop without weak digestion
  • Untreated Constipation: Irregular bowel movements or chronic constipation is the root cause of piles.
  • Low-fiber diet: Hemorrhoids can arise if your diet is not satisfactory or lacks adequate amounts of fiber and other nutritional elements.
  • Pregnancy: There is pressure on the enlarged uterus on the rectum and anus that cease strain while bowel movements.
  • Sitting or standing for extended periods: Such a sedentary lifestyle reduces the efficient functioning of the digestive system. As a result, diseases like piles can easily develop.
  • Straining while Passing Stool: Straining while excreting can also contribute to several digestive issues including piles
  • Holding of natural Urges : In todays time holding natural urges like , gas, stool , urine have become common however this can also be the cause for developing piles.
  • Complication of some diseases : Piles can be caused due to untreated chronic diarrhea, dysentery, Ibs, inflammation and anemia

What are the Symptoms of Piles (Hemorrhoids) ?

Below are some common symptoms that patients with piles generally experience:

  • Severe pain: A hard, sometimes painful lump is felt around the anus region. Sometimes an extreme burning sensation is also experienced.
  • Itching: The areas around the anus after defecation becomes red, itchy, and sore.
  • Incomplete Evacuation: The patients do not feel fresh as they still feel that their bowel is full or heavy even after excreting.
  • Discharge of blood: In chronic and serious cases of piles, blood can also be seen after a bowel movement.
  • Painful excreting: The patient experience unbearable pain while passing the stool.

Experiencing any of these signs? Do not delay and consult with our Ayurvedic experts who will provide you with the most effective Ayurvedic treatment for piles.

Symptoms According to Dosha Type ?

Although piles is tridoshaj diseases that means there is imbalance of all the three dosha however symptoms vary according to dominance of dosha

Vata dominant piles : This type of piles are generally dry and very painful. The pile mass is hard, rough, and they have few spikes in them. In this type there is severe constipation and stool are very dry and solid like a stone. The person have to stain very hard during defeacation.

Pitta dominant piles :  In this type of piles as stravi means bleeding piles. The piles mass is soft, foul smell and less in numbers. The stools are yellow colored and with blood. They are not very painful. Tough there is bleeding it not very heavy. Sometimes because of bleeding person may develop anemia.

Kapha dominant piles: This piles are very large, tough, white in color and hard. Not painful. However there is severe itching in this kapha piles. The piles mass are like nipple in shape. The stool in sticky and with mucous. Even after straining very less quantity of stool is passed.

Piles (Haemorrhoids) Ayurvedic Treatment

For centuries, Ayurveda has been benefiting our ancestors as well as the coming generations with its healing powers. Ayurveda follows the philosophy of yielding root-based and permanent relief, rather than suppressing the symptoms. Piles Ayurvedic Treatment involves the following ideologies and practices;

  • Ayurveda treatment for piles focus on the digestive and carminative ( deepan- pachan) and Anuloman ( elimination ) line of treatment in treatment of piles..
  • Panchkarma is another healing branch of Ayurveda. It involves several rejuvenating therapies that aid in combatting vitiated body-governing doshas inside the body. These therapies used for Piles Ayurvedic treatment are;

In Vata- Pitta dominant Piles: Abhyanga, Sweden, Nirhuh basti, Anuvasan basti is used

In Pitta dominant piles: Mild Virechan is very useful in this type of Piles

In Kaph dominant piles: Abhyanga, Swedan, Vaman is very useful.

Other  Ayurvedic treatments that are effective in to relief pain, swelling, itching are

  • Dhoopan: Giving fumes generated by burning herbs that helps in relieving piles.
  • Lep: Applying different type of herbal paste on piles mass helps to shrink it.

Avgah swed: this means sitting in lukewarm  medicated water.

Ayurveda suggests taking a high-fiber diet for promoting bowel movements and overall digestive health

ButterMilk  in Ayurvedic piles treatment

Acharya charak has said that Buttermilk is very beneficial is all types of piles. If piles is caused due to Vata- kapha  imbalance then there is nothing better than buttermilk. In case of Kapha imbalance buttermilk should be used by removing the butter from it. In case of Vata imbalance buttermilk with fat should be used. According to the intensity of  pain in piles buttermilk can be used for 7, 15 or 30 days. For improving digestion  add coriander seeds, Cummins seed, carum seeds and black salt to it.

It is advised to consult a specialist or Ayurveda expert before opting for these home remedies for piles, who will provide you with piles Ayurvedic treatment and precautions as per your body’s prakriti and immune capacity.

Can prolong sitting and standing cause piles ?

Yes, prolonged sitting on a hard mattress or chair or standing continuously for long hours can cause piles.

Is surgery the only solution for piles ?

Although piles can usually be treated using lifestyle changes, creams, ointments or non-surgical techniques, around one in ten individuals will require surgery.

What food can relieve piles ?

Eating foods that are high in fiber can make stools softer and easier to pass and can help treat and prevent hemorrhoids. Drinking water and other liquids, such as fruit juices and clear soups, can help the fiber in your diet work better

What happens if piles is left untreated ?

Untreated piles may cause bleeding. This bleeding may lead to anemia if these hemorrhoids remain for a long inactive stage and can also cause several health complications.

What is the main cause of piles ?

Hemorrhoids can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum due to: Straining during bowel

movements. Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet. Having chronic diarrhea or constipation.

Is coffee ,tea and spicy food bad for piles?

Yes, tea and coffee are not good in piles as it makes stool dry, hence more pain and straining during defecation.

At what age can piles occur ?

Piles can occur at any age but mostly in age between 45-65. This problem is most common in women who are pregnant.

How long do piles long ?

Piles improve within 1 week to 12 days without surgery by Ayurvedic treatment. Whether it is internal hemorrhoid treatment it can be treated without surgery too. It may take 2-3weeks for a lump to completely go off.

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