Dry ginger or Wet Ginger which one to use ?

Dry ginger or Wet Ginger which one to use ?

dry ginger

Ginger commonly known as Adrak in India is a very commonly used in cooking various dishes. Along with its taste enhancing qualities it has got variety of medicinal qualities as well. However ginger is available in two types one is the fresh ginger and other is dry ginger. Dry ginger is known as Sonth in Ayurveda and is one of the key ingredient of very famous ayurvedic medicine Trikatu.

Wet ginger is washed with calcium carbonate and then dried it get converted to sonth ( dry ginger). People generally ask which type of ginger is more beneficial. Answer to this is that both the type whether dry or wet ginger they both have common medicinal properties and both can be used. However dry ginger is having slight advantage as compared to wet ginger and they are as follows.

Dry Ginger can be stored for longer period of time. It is used as medicine in ayurvedic treatment. Where as wet ginger is commonly used in various food preparations.

The medicinal qualities in dry ginger last longer than wet ginger

Dry ginger contains essential oil and is known for its Snigdha ( oily) property. Where as wet ginger is very dry and aggravates Vata dosha.

Dry Ginger can be used for external application in problems such as sinus, headache, swelling, pain.

It is known as Vishwabheshaj means medicine of world that is dry ginger is useful in all the diseases. 

Saunth is also known as dry ginger powder; this comes from fresh ginger that is dried before being used. It has strong aroma and pungent flavor. Ginger is used as spice to add flavor in cooking for centuries. The fresh stem of this plant is used as main ingredient in many recipes in India.

Botanical name: Zingibar officianale

Family                  : Scitaminae

Names in different language

Hindi name – Saunth,

Marathi –      Sunth

English –       Dry Ginger

Kannada – Ona shunti

Telegu name – Shonti, Sonti

Tamil name – Shukku

Malayalam – Chukka

Guajarati – Shuntya,sunt ,soont


Synonyms – Mahaaushad, Vishwabheshaj, Nagar, Ushna, Katugranthi

Charak :

Truptighan        –    Group of herbs useful in Pseudo satiation

Arshoghan       –    Group of herbs useful in treating piles

Deepaneeya      –   Group of herbs useful in improving digestion

Shool prashman –   Group of herbs useful in relieving abdominal pain

Shushrut:  Pippalyadi gan

Vagbhatt:  Arshoghan   Deepaneeya

Effect on Tridoshas:  Saunth balances Kapha and Vata dosha

Medicinal Qualities of Dry Ginger

Ras (taste) – Katu

Guna (qualities) – Guru (heavy), Ruksha (Dry), Tekshna (Strong piercing)

Vipak       –   Madura   Undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion

Virya                – Ushna (hot potency)

Medicinal Qualities of Dry ginger ( Sonth)

Deepan – Improves digestion strength.

Shofhar – Relieves swelling edema anti inflammatory

Vibandhhar – Relieves Constipation

Anahar –   Relieves Gases, fullness of abdomen, bloating

Swashar – Useful in treatment of asthma and chronic respiratory disorder

Kashar – Useful in cold and cough

Ruchi Kar – Useful in relieving anorexia develops taste in food.

Dry Ginger ( saunth) Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Dry Cough: Taking half teaspoon of Saunth powder mixed with honey is very beneficial for dry cough

Rheumatoid arthritis: Taking one teaspoon of Saunth powder with two teaspoon of castor oil (errand oil) once daily is very helpful to relieve swelling and stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis.

Irritable bowel syndrome: Saunth powder along with ghee is helpful in relieving irritable bowel syndrome.

Gases: Take mixture of Saunth, Asafetida and black salt to help remove gases.

Gout:  Mix half teaspoon with half teaspoon of Giloy churn and take it twice daily helps in managing gout.

Piles: Take one glass of buttermilk mix one teaspoon of Saunth powder and pinch black salt and take this buttermilk twice daily.

Leucorrhea: take 1cup of milk add 4 cup of water to it then add 1 teaspoon of Saunth powder then boil it till water gets evaporated and only milk is left behind now add candy sugar (mishri ) to it and consume this one cup of milk in divided doses that is half cup in morning and half cup in the evening.

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