Unveiling Ayurveda’s Wisdom: Weak Digestion as the Root Cause of Disease!”

Unveiling Ayurveda’s Wisdom: Weak Digestion as the Root Cause of Disease!”

How many times we see that all the blood reports advised by the doctor is normal within limits still we feel lethargic, lack of enthusiam, constipation, blaoting, confusion in mind.  How many times we see swollen and painful joint however the doctor are not able to find the cause for inflammation.

Then what is the reason, why we get diseases even when medically everything seems to be okay.

In the realm of Ayurveda, the ancient science of life and wellness, there exists a profound understanding that the state of our digestion is intricately linked to our overall health and vitality. According to the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, weak digestion isn’t merely a discomfort; it’s often the root cause of many diseases and imbalances within the body.

The reason is Ama the by product of weak digestion. This ama gets absorb in the blood stream through gut and travel to different part of body and makes us sick. This is very unique concept of Ayurveda, the ancient system of  life science that originated in India. So lets understand Ama is details and how you can get rid of this Ama.

In Ayurveda weak digestion leads to Ama ( toxins) formation

In Ayurveda, it’s believed that weak digestion lays the foundation for a host of diseases. When Agni is impaired, it results in the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. These toxins, unable to be properly digested and eliminated, circulate through the system, wreaking havoc on our health. Over time, this accumulation can manifest as various ailments ranging from digestive disorders like bloating and constipation to more serious conditions such as inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune diseases.

This ama gets absorb in the blood stream through gut and travel to different part of body and makes us sick. Ama also represents the transition from physiology to pathology. Therefore, it is the precursor of inflammatory, degenerative and infective processes that eventually manifest as full-fledged diseases.

A fundamental principle Ayurveda  is that by tackling Āma at an early stage, progression of diseases can be arrested or prevented.

Sign's of Weak Digestion in Ayurveda

Recognising the signs of weak digestion is the first step towards reclaiming your health. common symptoms include :

Bloating and Gas after meals

Acid Reflux or Heartburn

Irregular bowel movements

Fatigue and low energy

Brain fog and poor concentration

Skin issues such as acne or eczema

Weak Digestion And Ama Formation

When the immature digestive juices are stagnated for longer duration it acquires shukti bhava or sourness due to decay or fermentation. This ama gets absorbed into the system  and is put into the  circulation. It reaches the channels and tissues and causes blocks. Due to this block the body components are derived of nutrition & essential elements which causes severe tissue damage leading to various diseases, loss of strength and immunity. This Ama if not removed from the body , over the period of time acquires the form of poison and trubles the body with wide array of diseases. Therefore it also known as Ama vish.

Ama is a non homogenous compound of food . Due to its non homogenecity,it is not accepted by the body cells. it is niether absorbed nor processed nor it becomes compatible to the body in fact it becomes toxic and hazardous to the body.

Ama has foul smelling property , the accumulation  of Ama gives foul smell to breath, urine,stool, sweat.

The Ama is sticky in nature and therefore it gets stuck on the walls of cells and other channels of the body there by blocking the free flow of energy.

How Weak Digestion leads to Disease Formation in Ayurveda

Ama progressively undergoes various transformations in the process of developing into full-fledged diseases. The stages can be visualized as follows:

First Phase of Accumulation

This is the phase in which Āma forms and  start accumulating  in the body. In this stage, there is no clinical symptoms  seen. All indigestion does not lead to Āma, but it does only when Kapha dosha is involved.  In the case of other doṣas, indigestion leads to different outcomes. When Vāta is involved, indigestion is known as Viṣṭabdhajeerna and results in drying up and degeneration. When Pitta is involved, indigestion is known as Vidagdhajeerna and leads to inflammation.

Second Phase of Interaction

  • The  Second phase of interaction: In this phase, Āma interacts with the three doṣas and becomes more complex and active. Āma interacting with Vāta creates a condition known as Sāma VātaĀma interacting with Pitta and Kapha creates conditions known as Sāma Pitta and Sāma Kapha respectively. Similarly, Āma can also interact with the Dhātus.

Third Phase of Disease manifestation

  • The phase of disease manifestation: In this phase, degenerative, inflammatory or infective disease manifests. This is technically known as the sāma stage of the disease, which is an acute condition.

Fourth Phase of Complication

When this ama is left untreated then this leads to the  development of Āmaviṣa. It is a stage of crisis that can even lead to death.

Ayurveda treatment Approach for Ama ( Toxins)

Depending upon the severity, quantity as well as type of Āma, a three pronged approach has been advised to tackle Āmadoṣa.

  •  Fasting (Laṇghana)
  •  Digestive & Carminative (Deepan Pachana)  and
  • Shodhana.

Out of these, Laṇghana  involves complete fasting  or restriction of nutritional intake to rest the digestive and metabolic apparatuses of the body.

Deepana Pachana  involves prescribing active medications also, which will neutralize and transform the Āma by digesting and metabolizing it so that it is rendered inactive. Specific medicines are to be used depending upon the type of Āma.

Shodhana is a purification process, which removes the Āmadoṣa from the body altogether. This is done by five purification process that is Vaman, Virechan, Vasthi, Nasya,Rakthmokshan.

When used in the appropriate context, these three measures can help to neutralize, inactivate and eliminate Āma from the system. 



The concept in Āyurveda is that if treated in early stages, it is possible to interfere with the degenerative, inflammatory and other progressive pathologies for early prevention of disease. When used in the appropriate context, these measures can help to neutralise, inactivate and eliminate Ama from the system.


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