Amla  Health Benefits , Uses & Home Remedies

Amla Health Benefits , Uses & Home Remedies

Amla is stuffed with innumerable health benefits that can  ever be imagined. Amla can be said as the most used Ayurvedic ingredients. It is both food and medicine. . Amla is one of the three fruits that are used in triphala. It is also main contain of chwyanprash a popular Ayurvedic rejuvenative tonic. Amla is the richest source of vitamin C which is available naturally. More importantly vitamin c contained in the Amla fruits is stabilized by the presence of tannins which helps Amla to maintain its vitamin content even trough processing.

Botanical name : Embelica officianalis

Family                 : Liliaceae

Names in different language

Hindi name – Awala, Amla

Marathi –      Awadakathi

English –       Indian Gooseberry

Bengali –   Amalaki, Amro

Telegu name – Userkai velli

Tamil name –   Nellikai

Malayalam –   Amalkam,Nelli

Guajarati –  Amdanu

Kannada –  Nelli, Nelli Kayi

Synonyms – Amalki, Tishyaphala, Dhatri, Sheetphala, Shriphala, Amrutphala,Vayastha, Vayasya

Effect on Tridosha : It is  Tridosha har especially Pitta- Kapha.


Charak Samhita

Jvarghna – Group of herbs useful for in fever

Kasaghna – Group of herbs useful in cough, cold

Kusthaghna  – Group of herbs that are useful in Skin diseases

Vayasthapana – Group of an herb which helps in delaying age

Amla  Health  Benefits in Ayurveda

Rasayan – it is one of the best rejuvenating herbs.

Chakshuya – it is good nutritive tonic for eyes helpful in improving vision.

Prameghna – it is very helpful in managing diabetes and its associated side effects. Amla along with turmeric is well known Ayurvedic remedy for diabetis.

Vayasthapan – Amla is the best anti-ageing herbs of all the herbs available.

Daahahara – helpful in relieving burning sensation

Kanthya – Improves voice, good for throat.


Medicinal qualities

Ras (taste) – Madhur (sweet), Amla (Sour), Katu (pungent),Tikth (Bitter),Kashaya

Guna (qualities) – Guru (heavy), Snigdha (oily), Picchila (sticky)

Vipak       –    Katu   Undergoes Katu taste conversion after digestion

Virya                – Sheeta (cold potency)


Health Benefits of Amla in Various diseases

 Amla in Leucorrhea

Take one teaspoon of Awala powder mixed with sugar and honey. This mix  is very effective in white discharge from vagina in women.

Amla in Diabetes

Amla helps to control blood sugar level by regulating carbohydrate metabolism due to its kashay (astringent) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. Amla also lowers the risk of various diabetic complications by fighting the free radicals, decreasing the inflammatory mediators and improving the function of blood vessels.

Take Awala juice 15ml add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder to it and take it early morning daily is very helpful in managing diabetes.

Amla to prevent Ageing

Awala is rich source of vitamin C and is rich in antioxidant properties. According to one research it contains 600- 700 mg of vitamin c in each fruit. This helps in fighting the free radicals present in the body and delays the ageing process.

1 teaspoon of Awala Powder with  ½ teaspoon of Ashwagandha Powder mixed  with honey and ghee in Shishir ritu delays aging and gives body a new look

 Amla benefits in health of  Eyes

It is very useful to manage all types of eye disorder like lacrimation, redness, burning, itching of eye and in improvement of the eyesight prevents eyes from adverse effect of diabetes.

Keep ½ teaspoon awala powder and sesame seeds soaked overnight. Make a paste of this in morning and apply on the closed eye and keep it for 10 minutes then wash it this keeps your eyes healthy and fights under eye dark circles.


 Amla for Hyperacidity

Keep 1 teaspoon of awala powder soaked overnight. Next morning add dry ginger (Saunth) powder and carom (jeera) seeds to make small gutika (round tablet). Dissolve this tablet in one cup of milk add ½ teaspoon of candy sugar (mishri) to it drink this milk.

 Amla for Immunity

Amla helps to builds Ojas by improving digestive process and due to its Rasayana properties. It is very rich source of vitamin C which supports a healthy immune system. Ojas is essence of immunity and youthfulness.


Supports healthy digestion, metabolism, and elimination. It helps in digestion by improving the Pachak Agni. It also helps in easy expulsion of stool due to its high fiber contains and Recheck (mild laxative) properties.

Hair fall

Amla oil is very helpful in hair fall, Premature greying of hair due to its pitta balancing quality and antioxidant property. It also controls dandruff due to its Kashaya (astringent ) properties



Amla might increase the risk of bleeding or bursing in people with bleeding disorder. Therefore Amla should be used with caution in such cases.

Amla might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. So it is advisable to stop taking Amla at least 2 weeks before the schedule surgery.

Amla should be avoided in case of aggravated Kapha problem like asthma.

Due to lack of scientific evidence Amla should be avoided during breast feeding period

Due to lack of scientific evidence Amla should be avoided during Pregnancy.


Parts Used:


Amla can be consumed in various forms like raw fruit, juice, churn, capsule and tablets.

Recommended Dosage:

Amla raw fruits: Take 2-3 pieces of raw Amla fruits daily

Amla juice          : Take 10-15ml of Amla juice add same quantity of water and drink empty stomach two times daily

Amla Churn: ¼ -1/2 teaspoon of churn with honey or water two times daily on empty stomach

Amla Capsule: Take 1-2 capsule swallow it with water, twice a day.




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