7 Natural Home Remedies for Constipation

7 Natural Home Remedies for Constipation

Do you sit for too long in washroom? You have to strain while defecating or you or you will need to go for poop for 3-4 times in morning. All this signs of your digestive not working optimal level. This slow digestive may lead to sever problems like constipation. However you don’t need to worry this 7 natural home remedies for constipation will help you rid of this condition.

Jaggery Drink

India’s most preferred sweetener works very well in reliving constipation of any type. It is very effective in chronic & occasional constipation. Take 2-5gms of Jaggery after meals in afternoon or night. You can also mix 5gms of jiggery in glass of warm water add kind of black salt & gulp it down before going to bed.

Hot Lemon Tea

This remedy is very effective for constipation. Not only it relieves constipation but also is also helpful in detoxing the body as well as making the digestive strong. All you need to do is boil 1-1/2 cup of water add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice & mint juice add pinch of black salt. Sip this tea in the morning empty stomach.

Triphala Juice

Recent research shows that a herbal preparation triphala can have beneficial effect on gut microbs. Triphala consists of 3 fruits of Indian Goosberry  Emblica officinalis (Amla), Terminalia bellirica (Behada) & terminalia chebula (haritaki).Studies have found that triphala is beneficial in many condition such as appetite  stimulation, reduction of hyperacidity & relieving constipation. It promote the growth of beneficial bacteria & lactobacillus while inhibite the growth of under gut microbes.

Catrol oil

Castor oil is having many medicinal uses however best known use for castor oil is natural laxative. In Ayurveda it is known as best vatahar. It is always better to use castor oil in constipation because it increases the movement of muscles & pushes material through intestine helping clear the bowels. When consumed by mouth castor oil is broken down in small intestine, stimulating a strong laxative effect. It is very effective in elderly people having constipation. One of the study found that when elderly people took castor oil they experienced decrease symptoms of constipation, including less straining during defecation & lower repeated feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Aloe-Vera Juice

Aloevera is very commonly available herb with numerous benefits .Its rich in fiber content & helps improve liver function. It is considered as natural laxative property. Anthenaquinous present in latex are patent laxative. It increase the intestinal water content, stimulates makes secretion & increase intestinal peristalsis.

A study conducted on ratio found that gel made from aloevera plants can able to reduce constipation.


Raisins are an effective & healthy natural remedy to fight constipation. This natural remedy also works wonders in relieving stomach discomfort & constipation in childrens, pregnant women’s & old people. Raisins are rich in fiber and add bulk to stool & softens the stool which makes it easier to pass.

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