What is Ayurveda and its Benefits

What is Ayurveda and its Benefits


Why understanding what is Ayurveda is so important. Today we see increased in awareness about Ayurveda among people. This is due to increase in awareness about side effect and limitations of modern medicine. As more and more people are turning towards Ayurveda understanding what is Ayurveda has become more important. Here in this article we will explain you what is Ayurveda and why Ayurveda should be a part of your life.

What is Ayurveda ?

Ayurveda is one of the most renowned ancient systems of medicine. It has roots of its origin in India since 5000yrs.Despite many attacks by foreigner’s this system of medicine has survived &flourished from ages to till date.

Ayurveda is made from union of two words Ayu which means life on the other hand Veda stands for knowledge. Therefore Ayurveda means knowledge of life. Ayurveda acts as guide for healthy and happy living. The knowledge of Ayurveda is not only for healthy living but also for overall conduct of life. It covers all aspects of life that is physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual.

When it comes to health, Ayurveda is not only for treatment purpose but also places great emphasis on prevention. In fact primary aim of Ayurveda is to prevent you from ill. To keep one healthy Ayurveda clearly lays emphasis on daily routine, seasonal routine, diet and emotional well-being. Following this routine helps you to prevent many of the lifestyle diseases such as diabetes,cardiovascular diseases, asthma, stroke & even cancers.

Basics of Ayurveda?

Ayurveda system of healing is closest to nature. It is believed that everything in this universe is made up of five elements that is Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The human body is also made up of these five elements. This elements are represented in the body in form of three energies known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Health and sickness depends upon the balanced state of these energies. The balance of these energy rest of tripod of good diet, good sleep and following a daily & seasonal routine.(know more about Vata, pitta, kapha).

Health according to Ayurveda

Health is defined as state of balance of three energy, the body tissues. A good digestion process & elimination of waste from the body. Along with this balance state of happy mind, happy soul and all the five senses indicate a perfect health.

What is Ayurvedic treatments

Indeed Ayurveda is a preventive oriented but on the other hand it has a very holistic approach towards treatment. Unlike other system of medicine which gives symptomatic treatment Ayurveda focuses on  curing the disease. In Ayurveda it firmly believed that  to cure a disease you need to treat the person and not the symptoms. This cures are achieved through correction in diet and lifestyle of the person, addressing his emotional sphere and finally giving him Ayurveda medicines. In Ayurveda treatments are done in  ways.

  1. Shaman (Balancing the energies)

In this type treatment is done by balancing the aggravated energy to normal level. This balance is created by using herbs and mineral medicines along with diet & lifestyle modifications.

  1. Shodhan (Detoxification)

In this treatment the balance of energy created by throwing excess of toxins and aggravated energy out of the body. It is done by using process of Panchkarma that is Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Nasya, Rakthmokshan. (know more about Panchkarma).

Understanding What is Ayurveda’s Benefits

Personalised Approach:

 Ayurveda view each person as different from the other. Therefore everybody requirement is  also different. Treatment in ayurveda is based on analysis of your constitution known as Prakriti. This one to one approach makes ayurveda treatment unique where one size fit all approach has no room.

Safe & No side effects:

Ayurveda medicines and treatment works by triggering the natural defence system of the body. This methods are safe and does not causes fatal or irreversible damage to human body. They does not causes side effects.

 Close to Nature:

Ayurveda uses natural sources like plants, leaves, flowers, and minerals naturally available for treatments. This makes ayurveda treatments closest to nature and they are very effective and safe.

Prevention of diseases :

This is a very unique feature of Ayurveda as no other system of medicine focuses on preventive aspect as much as Ayurveda.  Prevention is always being top priority in Ayurveda as main objective of Ayurveda is to prevent individual from falling ill. Following  daily lifestyle & seasonal lifestyle  along with dietary habits as described in Ayurveda has important role to play in prevention as well as treatment of disease.



Ayurveda has very important role in persons life to keep him healthy and happy. Just by following this principles in your daily life you can prevent yourself from so many health problems. Also Ayurveda treatments and medicines are safe and prevent your body from harmful chemicals and there side effects. It helps you fight diseases by boosting your inner immunity.

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