Piles Treatment In  Ayurveda Naturally  & Safely

Piles Treatment In Ayurveda Naturally & Safely

Piles or hemorrhoid’s are inflamed and swollen blood vessels in the lower rectum. They are generally  of two types internal and external . Piles is a very painful disease and treatment such as surgery are also very painful. Even after surgery there are chances of reoccurrence. These happens because the root cause of piles is not corrected only the pile mass is cut during surgery. However piles treatment in Ayurveda offers complete and long lasting relief that too without operation.  Ayurveda treatment in piles focus on finding  the root cause and then fixing this cause with Ayurvedic medicine , diet and lifestyle correction.

So what is the root cause of piles?

Root cause means the reason why the disease happened. Identifying the root cause is very important part of Ayurveda  treatment of piles. Once the root cause is known and when we work to correct the root cause as a result of  this  disease get completely cured.  So we need to understand the root cause of piles.

Lets see what can be the causes for piles !!

Weak digestion

 When you are not able to digest the food you eat then this lead to accumulation of toxins in the digestive tract and creates obstruction in elimination of waste from the body.


This is the most common reason for piles. 

Habit of straining while passing Stool

Again when a person is having constipation he tries to hard to push the stool and this put pressure on the blood vessels of the rectum.

Holding Natural Urges

This is very important cause however nobody think that holding the urge to pass urine or stool may be the cause of piles.

Sleeping During day time

Many people have the habit of sleeping during the day time , this leads to indigestion of food taken in lunch and makes the digestion weak.

Bad food choices

Including food that are spicy, oily, frozen food, low fiber diet, alcohol, smoking may also cause piles.

Is Operation the only solution for piles

The answer is no. Most of the cases of piles can be relieved with  Ayurveda treatment  and following proper diet. Here I am giving the  list of do’s and don’t  in diet and lifestyle  for piles in Ayurveda treatment. Just by following this most people can get relief just at home. However remember that this is generalized guideline so what work for one person will not work for others. For more personalized diet plan and Ayurvedic treatment for piles you must consult expert Ayurvedic doctor.

Ayurveda Diet treatment for Piles

These are general recommendation and following this will definitely help a person to overcome the pain of piles. This will provide him/her the much needed relief and following this will also help in curing the pile mass along with other Ayurvedic medicine for piles.

  1. Person suffering from piles must use boiled and cooled safe drinking water

2 .Drinking Buttermilk daily for 90 days  is very useful for curing piles. Buttermik helps in digestion process.

3 Adding Coconut water to your diet helps pacify the pitta dosha in the body.

  1. One must eat Chapatis made up of jowar/bajra/ multigrain mix. If not possible then normal wheat chapattis can be taken.
  2. Rice it should be roasted ( bhunjnaa) and then boiled.
  3. Always focus on taking easy digestible food

7.Green lentils (Moong , Moong daal) and  sometimes  yellow lentils (tur daal).

  1. Among vegetables bottle gourd, elephant foot yam (suran), snakegaurd, applegaurd ( tinda), ridgegaurd( turai), pointed guard (parwal), pumpkin( kaddu) , coriander leaves( dhania patti), mint leaves ( pudina)should be taken regularly.

9.In Friuts  Apple, banana, grapes (black), Awala ( indian gooseberry), black raisins ( manukka),  fig ( dry angir) should be part of diet.

  1. Person who is following piles ayurveda treatment must take his/her dinner before 7:30 pm in the evening. The food should be prepared in very less oil and very less spices.
  2. One must go to sleep early by 10:00 pm

What should be avoided if you are having Piles?

Now we have understood what we can eat , however there are few things that may trigger the pain in person having piles. Also if these food items are regular part of diet then getting complete cure from piles become very difficult. Therefore one must try to avoid following things.

Here I must make it very clear that avoiding this things does’t mean that you cannot eat these food items permanently. You can enjoy these thing but very rarely.

So lets look at the things you should avoid

1.Hot water, Curd, Tea, coffee, Colddrink, Alcohol,Juices, buffalo milk,refrigerated food items.

2.Pulses: green peas, moth beans ( Matki), black lentils,topiaco pearls ( sabudana)

3.Vegetables : Potato, sweet potato, water chestnut ( singada), cauliflower, cabbage, brigjal, spinach, fenugreek leaves and seeds, tomato, cucumber.

4.Fruits :  Pomegranate, Pineapple, Mangos, Gauvas  should be avoided during the Ayurvedic treatment of piles.

5.Among others you should avoid  too much deep fried , oily ,salty and spicy food such as, finger chips, samoasa, kachori , farsan, chips, frozen and processed food.

6.Try to restrict taking non-vegetarian food, eggs and others heavy to digest meals such as pizza, bread, burgers.

7.Person should avoid lifting heavy weight, sleeping during day time, sitting at one place for long time, long driving, holding natural urges such as urge to urinate, urge to defecate.

  1. Taking Triphala powder/ tablet an medicine in piles ayurveda treatment at bed time is very helpful.

I have seen very good results in persons following this guidelines. I have been helping people get cure form piles for last 18 years and have been using ayurveda for piles treatment.

Ayurveda piles treatment is safe and have no side effect. It helps to cure the problem of piles without operation with all natural Ayurvedic medicines .

Vaidya  ( Dr). Ashutosh Tiwari is well known Ayurvedic doctor with over 20 years of experience in treating chronic lifestyle diseases such as Ibs, Chronic digestive disease, Obesity, Diabetes, Joint pain, Arthritis, Neck pain, Back pain. 

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