Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Treatment

Carpel tunnel syndrome       

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome isa a common condition which causes pain and weakness in the muscles of the hand

There is a small tunnel-shaped structure in our wrist joint which houses a nerve called the median nerve. This particular nerve is very important for functions and sensations of the muscles of the palm. Any increase in the contents of the carpal tunnel or decrease in the size of the tunnel itself can compress the nerve as it passes through the tunnel from the hand into the palm

Causes of carpel tunnel syndrome 

  • Repetitive stress like interminable hours over a keyboard
  • Pregnancy
  • Oral contraceptive pills
  • Diabetes
  • Osteo arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Trauma and fracture of wrist bone

Symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome

  • The sensation of numbness and tingling especially in thumb index & middle finger
  • Weakness of muscle of palms
  • Difficult in making a fist
  • Tendency to drops things easily
  • Grasping object becomes difficult 

Diet & lifestyle for carpel tunnel syndrome

  • Take your meals at regular time and in relaxed atmosphere
  • Take your dinner early at least 3 hour before going to bed
  • Avoid  the intake of heavy,cool,and dry stale food 
  • Avoid processed and fermented food
  • Avoid excessive oily & spicy foods

Simple home remedies

  • Fomentation of affected Joint with baluka pottali (sand bag).
  • Fomentation of joints with luke warm decoction of tulasi  twice daily.
  • Powder of sunthi (dry ginger) and Giloy to be taken with warm water two times a day.
  • Castor oil 20ml daily at night after meals helps to fight rheumatoid arthritis.  

Ayurveda Management

Our treatment will depend on the underlying causes and severity of your pain. Ayurveda treatments main aim is to treat the root cause; therefore the treatments are mainly focused on detoxification that is internal cleansing this is done to remove the ama (toxins) from the body. The detoxification of body is achieved either by Panchakarma procedure or can be done by taking herbal detoxification medicines. After cleansing is done the next step is to reignite the digestive power as it is well established Ayurveda principle that weak digestion is the main reason for toxin build up in the body, so to avoid relapse maintaining good digestion is very important this done by advising Ayurveda diet and lifestyle modification. 

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