10 Amazing Ayurveda Herbs for Hyperacidity.

10 Amazing Ayurveda Herbs for Hyperacidity.

Do you suffer from recurrent heartburn after eating at your favorite restaurant?

Do you always keep antacid pills with you and just pop these pills whenever you feel the symptoms of acidity?

With increasingly hectic lifestyle, change in food habits and restless mind there is rise in number of people suffering from acidity.  Acidity has become the most common problem that impacts the quality of life of millions and just popping the antacids pills are no way a solution. Acidity can be caused due to a long gap between meals, empty stomach or excessive intake of tea, coffee, smoking or alcohol. Stress, anger, impatience, extra-hot spicy food contributes to acidity.

Here we are going to tell you amazing herbs Mother Nature has given you to keep your acid levels under control naturally just by adding it to your diet.

  1. Pudina or Mint leaves is a natural coolant, with a sweet and a pungent taste it reduces acid and has cooling effect on stomach. Mint has the quality to Pacify all three doshas chiefly Pitta dosha. Pudina leaves owing to its carminative properties helps in digestion.
  2. Jeera (cumin seeds) relieves gas, promotes saliva secretion and soothes the stomach lining. It helps to promote weight loss which helps in acid reflux into food pipe. Thymol an essential compound, which helps in stimulating the glands that secrets bile, enzymes, acids which are entirely responsible for the digestion of food in the intestine and the stomach. Presence of iron Vitamin A and Vitamin C boosts your immune system in various ways.
  3. Elaichi ( cardamom) relieves spasm caused by acid and help in reducing abdomen discomfort, nausea and Vomiting. Cardamom may protect against Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria linked to the development of the most stomach ulcer issue.
  4. Laung (Cloves) stimulate Salivation and improve movement of food and improve movement of food through stomach. It is one of the key ingredients in avipattikar churna widely used in Ayurveda treatment for acidity.
  5. Amla (Indian gooseberry) It possesses cooling properties that can help sooth pitta. Helps reduce inflammation, alleviates pain and promote detox. Helps in regulating gastrointestinal function. It has got excellent antioxidant properties.
  6. Yasthimadhu: It is commonly known as mulethi is very helpful to     reduce acidity. It helps relieve heartburn and symptoms of gastroesophegeal reflux disease. It provides natural relief from abdominal pain nausea and vomiting.
  7. Dhaniya (Coriander seeds) Coriander seeds have long been used as digestive stimulant. It possesses cooling properties and have cooling effect on stomach neutralizes the burning sensation in chest and stomach and protect the lining of the stomach.
  8. Basil Leaves The soothing and carminative properties of basil leaves provides instant relief from acidity. Boil 6-7 basil leaves in cup of water add pinch of dry ginger powder to it and let it simmer for few minutes sip it frequently.
  9. Fennel seeds chewing saunf that is a fennel seed after meals prevents stomach acidity. Fennel seeds and dry ginger tea is helpful in multitude of gastrointestinal problems like indigestion and bloating.
  10. Aloe Vera fresh Aloe Vera gel or juice is very helpful in lowering acidity. It acts as a potent laxative and can help pass stools easily. It also reduces any inflammation that persists in the stomach due irritation caused by excess secretion of  acid.

Disclaimer :

The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.

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