Joint pain: Joint pain trouble  starts in winter! Get relief from these Ayurvedic oils

Joint pain: Joint pain trouble starts in winter! Get relief from these Ayurvedic oils

Ayurvedic treatment for knee pain

As soon as winter starts, all kinds of pain related problems start troubling people.  Joint pain occurs due ageing process, injury to joints, raised uric acid levels in blood and due problems in body immune system. This pain troubles any joint in the body especially knee and back. Although elderly people are more likely to suffer from arthritis and joint pain however young people may have  this kind of pain. Most people have to face it in cold weather. In such a situation, along with making changes in diet, massaging the joints with certain types of oils can reduce the pain to a great extent. We are going to tell you about this 

In winter, the weather is windy, cold and dry which resembles the features of  Vata dosha.
So due to the effect of weather, the  
vata dosha in a person’s body increases, specifically in the joints. Since,increased vata absorbs the lubricating fluids in our joints, it leads to pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. Therefore in such a situation, along with making changes in diet, massaging the joints with certain types of oils can help reduce the pain to a great extent. We are going to tell you about this 



How do Ayurvedic oils help reduce pain and inflammation one feels due to joint pain?

Oils possess snigdha properties and due to this they help in reducing the dryness created by Vata dosha in the joints. Also the Ayurvedic oils are made by adding many herbs that helps in relieving pain and inflammation. Apart from this, warm oil massages are soothing and rejuvenating for the body and help imbalance caused due to vata dosha.


What Ayurvedic oils can a person use to help relieve this kind of joint pain?

Narayan oil:

 This oil is also used to treat ailments caused due to excessive vata in a person’s body. It is mainly used to relieve pain and inflammation in the joints and is especially helpful for people suffering from back pain, scaitica,arthritis and spondylosis. Made from ingredients like  Ashwagnadha,Gohkru, Punarnava, Rasna, Devdaru,Erandmool and other. This oil helps give long-term relief if used regularly.

Dhanwantharam thailam

This is an Ayurvedic oil that is designed to treat pain in the joints due to excess vata in a person’s body. The conditions that this oil can help relieve Knee pain, Back pain, cervical spondylosis and neuro-muscular conditions. The oil is made with a combination of herbs like Balamoola, Yava, Kola and Kulatha and can be used on a daily basis.

Mahavishgarbh oil: 

This is an Ayurvedic oil that is designed to treat pain, sweliing,stifness and chronic  joint pain due to excess vata in a person’s body. The conditions that this oil can help relieve rhuematoid arthritis, Scaitica, muscle wasting in body, weakness in legs and neuro-muscular conditions. The oil is made with a combination of herbs like Arkmool,dhatoor panchnag, impure kuchala, erandmool. This oil is strictly for external application only.

Other oils

If for any reason medicated Ayurvedic oils are not avaialable you can alternatively use this oils also

Mustard oil provides relief

Mustard oil is  hot in potency and very beneficial for  providing relief in joint pain. To see quick results, take some oil in a bowl, heat it slightly, add garlic cloves to it, cook it till garlic cloves turn black and then apply it on the painful areas.

Sesame oil

In Ayurveda Sesame oil is considered the best among all oils that are available. Let us tell you here that sesame seeds are not only hot in nature but it also helps in moisturizing the body. Many nutrients are found in sesame oil which gives relief to the body, it should be lukewarm and massaged properly on the joints.

Almond oil is good

Almond oil is high in nutritional value also a great option to get rid of joint pain caused by cold. One should just take it on the palm and massage it and leave the body to relax, it not only helps in maintaining moisture in the body in winter but also helps in getting relief from pain.

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