How to get rid of allergy with ayurvedic treatment

How to get rid of allergy with ayurvedic treatment

ayurvedic allergy treatment

Suresh tomar was constantly being troubled by cold, cough heaviness in chest running nose. Every morning he used to get  thirty to forty sneezes along with itching and watering of eyes. He was regularly taking treatment as advised by  the doctor. However he was getting relief only till he used to take medicine as he soon as he stops the medicine the symptoms reappear. He then realized that this treatment is getting no where and his body is becoming weak due to frequent use of dreaded antibiotics. He then decided to  start taking Ayurvedic medicine for allergy on advice of his friend , he had only heard about Ayurvedic treatment for allergy but never taken Ayurvedic treatment.

There are many like Suresh suffering from this allergies which over the period of time converts to asthma, allergic condition  is due to vitiation of vata and kapha dosha also immunity of this people  are also very low. 

In ayurveda this condition is known as Pratishaya .It is caused due to vitiation of all the three dosha especially Vata and Kapha.

The reasons for  allergy  (pratishaya) in ayurveda  are

  • Holding natural urges of urine, stool, and vomiting.

How often today we see people taking antacid when they feel nausea, this habit of suppressing the natural urge of the body to throw the toxin ( undigested food )  leads to many others diseases one of this is Allergy.

  • Weak digestion

In ayurveda it is said that if  you are gaving weak digestion ( Mandagni), then  immune system  get affected due to accumulation of toxins. As a result of this you get recurrent attacks of sneezing.

  • Working in place having lot of dust

If you are working in industries where there is lot of dust such as ,cement, coal, or environmental pollution then you may suffer from allergy.

  • Sleeping late in night.

 lifestyle plays a lot of importance to stay healthy. staying awake till late night is responsible for imbalancing vata dosha which causes allergy symptoms

  • Sleeping during day time.
Sleeping during day time is not advised in Ayurveda because this lead to iincrease in kapha dosha in the body and causes allergy symptoms
  • Drinking cold water excessive, over swimming,
Drinking cold water  or excessive water or staying in water for longer duration leads to dosha imbalance in the body.
  •   Eating food rich in sugar and heavy to digest, refrigerated food items .
  •    Drinking too much water after taking food,
  •   Sleeping just after lunch or dinner leads to the problem of indigestion

Ayurvedic view of Allergy Treatment

In ayurveda imbalance of dosha leads to a diseases. Depending upon which dosha is imbalanced the allergy is classified into different types.  Different types have different symptoms and the treatment is decided on the basis of this. Look what are types

  • Allergy due Vata Imbalance :     In this type there is congestion in nasal canal, feels like air filled, there is running nose , dryness in throat, lips palate. Pain in temporal region of head, heavy sneezing, pain which is radiating type.
  • Allergy due Pitta Imbalance :    In this type of allergies there is yellowish or brownish discharge from the nose. Small pustules develop around the nose. There is sensation of warm air coming out of nose. Dryness of mouth, fever, thirst, and giddiness is associated in pitta type allergy.
  • Allergy due to Kapha Imbalance:   There is whitish and thick discharge from the nose. Heaviness in the head, heaviness in body, swelling in orbit of eyes, no interest in eating, cough, difficulty in breathing, feeling of nausea  and very less sneezing, itching in throat, lips, palate, stiffness of neck are other symptoms in allergy because of Kapha dosha imbalance.

Sometimes this there is bleeding from the nose. Also total loss of smelling power, itching around nose, eyes, ear. Along with this small worms are also seen. Also there is severe pain in nose and forehead. These symptoms are seen when blood gets vitiated.

If not treated on time this symptoms gets converted into chronic allergy and asthma.

How to get rid of Allergy with Ayurvedic treatment

As Suresh came for Ayurvedic treatment after taking others treatments for very long time his case was treated as chronic allergy. Ayurveda works at root cause of disease by identifying the cause. With by more than 15 years of clinical practice in ayurveda I have developed 3 step Ayurvedic treatment protocol for curing allergies. This 3 steps are

  1. Detoxification
  2. Digestion improvement
  3. Dosha Balancing

 Therefore at first step he was given a detoxification therapy to loosen all the toxins and throw them out of the body. For the purpose of detoxification we used specially detox tablet selected according to his body type. Also Panchkarma can be used for detoxification for patients visiting our clinic.

Once his body was cleaned we started working on his digestion because weak digestion is the main cause of allergy. For improving his digestion he was given herbal tea prepared with turmeric, dry ginger, tulasi, and black pepper. Along with this he was put on personalized diet plan.

Lastly the aggravated dosha were balanced with help of Ayurvedic medicine and others natural means. With this 3 step process Suresh achieved complete relief in his problem.

After completion of his treatment in 6 months he was advised a diet and lifestyle correction that was leading to weak digestion and imbalance of dosha in his body

Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatment for Allergy

Panchkarma is unique gift of Ayurveda. It not only helps in detoxification but also in curing the disease completely. Acharya’s say that disease once cured by detoxification never returns.  Panchkarma are set of five procedures to cleanse the body and bring balance in dosha. We use following therapies in cases of allergy.

Vaman : This procedure is used primarily in Kapha-type allergies where there is dominance of Kapha dosha.

Virechan : This procedure is used primarily in Pitta- type allergies where there is dominance of pitta dosha.

Vasthi : This Panchkarma is used in Vata-type allergies where there is dominance of vata dosha.

Nasya : This is very effective in Vata and Kapha type allergies.

Dhoom : This procedure is effective in relieving nasal congestion. This procedure is ancient way of nebulization.

Natural Remedies, Diet and Lifestyle for allergy

Apart from Ayurvedic treatments, medicines, and therapies for allergy Ayurveda suggests you to work on the cause of your disease by  making changes to your diet and lifestyle. This will help to reduce and eliminate the risk of developing allergies again.

Eat light, warm and cooked food

Consuming fresh and warm foods cooked to perfection with a dose of clarified ghee or butter helps the body fight allergies. This type of food relaxes the digestive system, and aids in better absorption of nutrients. Most raw foods cannot be digested well and this leads to the accumulation of toxins. Having a raw green salad is an exception to this rule.

Reduce or avoid dairy

Keeping a check on the consumption of dairy products helps reduce or avoid the symptoms of mucous and aids in flushing out toxins easily.

Practice pranayama

Doing regular exercises and Yoga with Pranayama and breathing techniques is great to enhance physical fitness and promote mental stability. It helps calm the mind and the body and prevents the formation of allergies.

Use herbal supplements and spices

Warming spices used in cooking support the digestive fire and protect you from developing seasonal allergies. Spices like cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, coriander, garlic, cumin seeds, and black pepper help restore the Agni in your digestive system and help eliminate toxins while avoiding the build-up of the same. They also aid in strengthening the immune system and restore the balance of the levels of the Doshas to experience optimal health.


Allergy is a common problem now days, there is no cure in modern medicine however with holistic approach of ayurvedic medicine, diet, and correcting the root cause of allergy one can have long lasting relief from this problem. If you are suffering from allergy and looking for permanent relief then following Ayurveda tips and  ayurvedic treatment  is the solution. 

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