Haritaki : Nectar for Gut health & Digestion

Haritaki : Nectar for Gut health & Digestion

Haritaki is a fruit of mycobralam tree. It is held in high esteem in ayurvedic medicine as it single handedly able to treat , prevent and cure many diseases.. It has enjoyed the special  place among medicinal herbs in India since ancient times. It is called the ‘King of Medicines’ and is always listed first in Ayurveda because of its extraordinary therapeutic benefits. It is one of the ingredients of famous ayurvedic preparation for Triphala.  Haritaki is also known as 

  • Harad
  • Haradey
  • Abhya
  • Kayakalp

Haritaki is known for antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, anticancer, hypolipidemic properties. It is a natural immuno booster, hepatoprotective, renoprotective and  helps in wound healing.

In Ayurveda haritaki is compared to Mother. It is said that as mother cares for her child in the same way haritaki takes cares of this human body.  It helps in balancing all the three doshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

Qualities of Haritaki

Harad is having five taste except salt. It is light and dry in nature and undergoes sweet taste convertion after digestion. The potency of this herb is hot in nature. Harad is 

Vranya : One which helps to improve skin  complexion

Medhya:  Haritaki has got qualities to improve intelligence & therefore it is used in ayurvedic medicine  in treating autism,dementia, as well as to improve memory and concentration.

Deepan : One which helps to improve digestion ( Agni).

Pachan : One which helps digestion of food and also the Ama ( the undigested food ).

Anulomna : Haritaki helps in downword movement of Vata dosha and helps in normalising the bowel movements. As a result of this it is helpful in relieving constipation.

Shothar : Helps to reduce inflammation. Haritaki when used with gomutra ( cow urine) the shothar properties get enhanced.  It is known as Gomuta haritaki.

Rejuvenation : It has got anti ageing properties.

Along with this haritaki helps in nourishing the body, improves life expectency, and promotes physical strength.


Effect on Dosha's

Haritaki is  helpful in balancing Tridosha’s.

The sweet, bitter and astringent ( Madhur, tikth, Kashay) taste helps in balancing the Pitta dosha.

By virtue of Pungent, bitter and astringent ( Katu, tikth, kashay) it  balances the Kapha dosha.

Vata dosha is balanced by Sweet and Sour taste of haritaki. 

For balancing  Kapha dosha  haritaki should be taken with  rock salt.

In pitta dosha it should be consumed with sugar.

To Balance the Vata dosha haritaki should be taken with Ghee. 

For prevention of disease and to stay health haritaki should be  consumed with Jaggery.


Chemical Constituents of Haritaki

 Terminalia chebula contains Chebulagic acid, chebulic acid, tannic acid, gallic acid,ethyl gallate, ellagic acid, chebulinic acid, chebulania, corilagin, terflavin, punicalagin, terchebulin, casuarin and others.

Gut health and Haritaki

 Haritaki is one of the best herb for preventing and curing various disease related to the gut. The digestive , carminative and laxative properties of harad makes it drug of choice for digestive disorder. Moreover the the Trodosha balancing effect haritaki is very effective in managing digestive syytem problems.

Haritaki in Constipation

 Haritaki possese laxative properties and therefore is very effective in poblem of constipation. It helps to regulate bowel movement. In Ayurveda haritaki is mixed with catrol oil to make it very useful constipation relief remedy. It is known as Gandharv Haritaki and is widely used by ayurvedic doctors to treat constipation.

Piles and Haritaki use

 Piles is a very painful condition and makes life miserable.Harad helps to ease the inflammation around anal region to relieve pain. Also it makes stool soft because of its laxative property and helps in shrinking the pile mass. It helps to correct root cause of  piles by virtue of its digestive and carminative properties.

Use of Haritaki in Dysentry

 In the initial phase of Diarheaa and dysentry there is Ama in the digestive tract. Haritaki hleps to remove this excessive Ama from the body. If this Ama is not removed and suppressed by anti diarhearal drug then it may lead to IBS in future. In this way Haritaki helps to treat Dysentry and prevent further complication.

Fatty liver and Haritaki

 Fatty liver is becoming a very common problem specially non alcoholic fatty liver. Haritaki has got scraping ( lekhan) proeprties and therrfore helps in scraping the the excess fat depopsited on the liver. Along with this it work of improving the metabolism by correcting the digestion.

Other than this haritaki is very effective in treatment and mangement of other gut problems such as  






Worm infestation

Haritaki is also useful in diseases such as Asthma, Cough, Diabetes, Skin problem and inflammatory diseases.

Dosage of Haritaki

 Haritaki churna or Powder : 2-5 gms two times a day with water or honey or ghee. 

Tablet : 500 mg tablet

1 tablet in morning and 1 tablet in evening with water. Doses can be doubled according to body type and disease condition.

Who should not take Haritaki

 Altough it is having innumerable health benefits however haritaki  should be avoided in person who are

Weak and tired because of excessive walking.

Those who have lean body ( Low body weight)

Persons who have on fasting for long time

Anyone having dryness in body and gut.

It should be avoided during pergnancy.

In early stages of Fever.

Also it should be avoided in persons having high Pitta or pitta constitution.

 Also over consumption or consuming without consultation with an ayurvedic doctor or healer might cause diarrhoea, stomatitis, dehydration, acute fever, malnutrition, stiffness of jaw, fatigue and various pitta disorders. Since it reduces blood sugar, patients already taking sugar reducing medicines should consult a doctor before taking haritaki.

Ritu Haritaki : How to in different Seasons

When haritaki is to be used for rasayana purpose that means anti ageing effects then it should be consumed with different food items according the season . This method is known as Ritu haritaki. Ritu means season and how to consume hairtaki in seasons.

In the spring season, consume it with honey.

In summers, it can be taken along with jaggery.

In the monsoons, consume haritaki with rock salt.

In autumn, it can be ingested with desi kand or mishri.

In early winters, try to consume it with dry ginger, and in late winters take it alongside long pepper (gaja pippali).

Ayurvedic preparatoins of Haritaki


This is very famous ayurvedic medicine in which haritaki is the main ingredients.  Other ingredients are  balck raisins, mahua flower, vavding.  It is very good laxative, digestive and carminative. It helps in  relieving constipation and in treatment of  Piles, fissure, indigestion, liver diseases.

Haritkyadi Guugulu

This ayurvedic medicine is made with haritaki,sonth,vidhara mool and guugul. It is very effective in treatment of  rhuematoid arthritis, back pain, knee pain, vata disorder, constipation. It is digestive and carminative and helps to expel toxins out of the body.

Vyaghri haritaki awaleh

The avaleha is a semi-solid jam like preparation of haritaki obtained from Bhaisajya Ratnavali which aims towards balancing Vata and Pitta disorders. It plays a key role in treating various respiratory ailments including cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

The active constituents of this avaleha include kantakari, haritaki, guda, maricha, sunthi, twak, patra, ela, pippali, nagkeshar, madhu and water for the decoction.

Seedless haritaki powder is taken and purified by steaming them in a Dola Yantra (i.e. purification device). To this purified powder, kantakari decoction and jaggery is added and heated to reach a semisolid consistency. It is allowed to cool and, in the end, the other herbal ingredients including twak, patra, ela powder and honey is added and mixed thoroughly. The jam or jelly-like formulation is then kept in airtight glass vessels and stored for future use are added in powdered form.


For Adults:

General recommendation is 5-10 gms once or twice a day before or after food. Talk to your ayurvedic doctor for the correct dosage.

For Children:

General recommendation is 1-2 gms once or twice a day infused in a glass of warm water or milk along with a teaspoon of honey or as suggested by your doctor.



Haritaki is a magical remedy that holds high significance in treating countless health problems including indigestion, gastritis, lung disease, obesity, impotence, cough cold, asthma, vision defects, urinary tract infections and hair, and skin problems. Available in various forms, the dried powder or fruit can be ingested in different seasons by using different additives. Get proper consultation from a doctor to avoid adverse effects and enjoy the benefits.  

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