Digestive disorders may cause Parkinson says latest study

Digestive disorders may cause Parkinson says latest study

Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that causes unintended or uncontrollable movements, such as shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. While virtually anyone could be at risk for developing Parkinson’s, men are at  more risk in comparison to there counterparts. Recent study have found that people having some  digestive disorder may suffer from  parkinson disease.

Symptoms of Parkinson

Parkinson’s symptoms may include:

  • Tremor.  This means shaking especially in hands and finger. Slowly it may progress to other body parts as well.  This tremors are felt more at rest and may decrease when you are performing some work.
  • Slow Activity.  As time progresess Parkinson’s disease may slow your movement, making your daily routine work  difficult and time-consuming. Your steps may become shorter when you walk.  You may drag or shuffle your feet as you try to walk.
  • Muscle Stiffness. Your muscle losses its elasticity and may get stiff. This  may occur in any part of your body. The stiff muscles can be painful and limit your range of motion.
  • Impaired posture and balance. Your posture may become stooped. Or you may fall or have balance problems as a result of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Speech changes. You may speak softly or quickly, slur, or hesitate before talking. Your speech may be more of a monotone rather than have the usual speech patterns.
  • Writing changes. It may become hard to write, and your writing may appear small.

Digestive Disorder and Parkinson

The most common cause of Parkinson is  protein diposition  which mainly consist of  misfolded a-synuclien- a presynaptic neuronal protein that is linked genetically and neuropathologically linked to Parkinson disease. Patients show deposits of pathological, aggregated α-synuclein not only in the brain but throughout almost the entire length of the digestive tract . However a recent study  published in  BMJ journal says that  people with digestive disorder  are at higher risk of developing Parkinson disease as compared to there counterpart.

The origin of Alzheimer disease, strokes  and brain aneurysms have already  been linked to the gastrointestinal tract. While there is growing evidence that Parkinson  also starts in the gut  have been few studies of its relationship to particular digestive disorders.

This confirms the ayurveda principle that weak digestion is the cause of most of diseases in the body.

Now a study has established that four gut conditions could be an early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease. It “is the first to establish substantial observational evidence” that a clinical diagnosis of gut issues “might specifically predict the development of Parkinson’s disease”, the authors conclude.

The most common cause of Parkinson is  protein diposition  which mainly consist of  misfolded a-synuclien- a presynaptic neuronal protein that is linked genetically and neuropathologically linked to Parkinson disease.

Researchers compared the medical records of 24,624 people in the US with Parkinson’s, 19,046 people with Alzheimer’s and 23,942 people with cerebrovascular disease.

Those with Parkinson’s were matched with patients in the other groups for age, sex, race and ethnicity, and length of diagnosis to compare the frequency of gastrointestinal conditions in the six years before diagnosis.

They also compared the medical records of everyone in the study diagnosed with any of 18 gut conditions to those without that particular condition over five years to see how many of them developed Parkinson’s disease or other neurological disorders.

The findings of the study suggest that the onset of Parkinson has link with digestive disorder. The research  found that dysphagia, gastroparesis, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome  without diarrhea were associated with increased risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson and Ayurvedic prespective

Parkinson’s disease is correlated with a disease condition called Kampavata in Ayurveda. As there are also generalized involuntary movements in all parts of the body it is also called vepathu. Vepathu is caused by Vata vitiation and thus the treatments done are mainly concentrated initially on bringing back the Vata into normalcy. Vata dosha primarily resides in pakvashay which means intestines and weak digestion aggravates Vata which affects the brain. So ayurveda has long ago established link between neuro muscular problems  and digestive disorder.

Ayurvedic treatment prespective of Parkinson

As ayurveda has deep understanding of  causative factors of Parkinson Ayurvedic treatment are also highly effective in case of Parkinson. The treatment of Parkinson in ayurveda consist of mainly 3 steps


Digestion Improvement

Dosha Balancing

Firstly through Panckarama treatment the cleansing of body is done. By this toxins and aggravated dosha’s  are removed from the body. Basti Panchkarma is the most preferred  treatment in case if Parkinson. This treatment attacks the main site of Vata dosha.

Secondly right diet is advised to correct the Agni so that the body and cells receive nutrition.

Lastly Ayurvedic herbs and medicines are given for internal use ton bring the aggravated dosha back to normal.

Ayurvedic tips to manage & prevent Parkinson

  • Ayurvedic oil massage : This is very effective way to prevent and manange parkinson. In ayurveda oilis said to be the best remedy for keeping Vata dosha in balance. Also oil massage helps in keeping the muscle soft. This helps in improving your activity. There are many oils in ayurveda however oil must be selected in accordance to your body constitution.You should use  these oils after asking ayurvedic doctor. 
  • Taking proper sleepSleep in most important factor in keeping oursself healthy. Disturbed sleep or  lack of sleep has negative impact on our digestive system and nervous system. Moreover lack of sleep is responsible for aggarvating the Vata dosha which is root cause of parkinson. Therefore 8 hrs of sound sleep is must.
  • Keeping Digestion Healthy:

In ayurveda Science digestion is given a lot of importance as it is believed that all the diseases starts in the gut. Also now even  latest study have found link  between digestive disorder and  parkinson. So if you are having digestive issues such as constipation, dysphagia or irritable bowel syndrome then don’t ignore them. Also if you are having blaoting, acid refulx or indigestion you must correct it immediately.

Read more how to keep digestion healthy naturally.

  •  Use Ayurveda Rasayan herbs:

Ayurvedic herbal supplements have showed promising results in dealying the aging process. This herbs helps in rejuvenating the cells and minimiisng the  effects of free radical in the body. Herbs such Ashwagandha, shatavri, Balamool and Triphala have found very effective in managing parkinson disease.




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