Digestive disorder and its Ayurvedic treatment

Digestive disorder and its Ayurvedic treatment

In general people ignore digestive disorder thinking that it not to so serious. However it is more common than you think. In fact, 60 to 70 million people are affected by some type of digestive disease, according to the one report.

Here’s a top-to-bottom look at nine of the most common digestive disorders, their symptoms, and the most effective ayurvedic treatments available. If you suspect you have one of these issues, don’t delay in speaking with Ayurveda doctor.


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

When stomach acid backs up into your esophagus , a condition called acid reflux , you may feel a burning pain in the middle of your chest. It often occurs after meals or at night, says Vd. Ashutosh Tiwari, a senior ayurveda consultant of medicine at the Risha’s Health And Ayurveda Solutions in Nagpur India. 

While it’s common for people to experience acid reflux and heartburn once in a while, having symptoms that affect your daily life or occur at least twice each week could be a sign of GERD, a chronic digestive disorder that affects 20 percent of Indians. If you experience persistent heartburn, bad breath unexplained tooth erosion, nausea, pain in your chest or upper part of your abdomen, or have trouble swallowing or breathing,then its time to consult doctor.

Most people find relief by avoiding certain foods and beverages that trigger their symptoms, or taking over-the-counter antacids or other medication that reduces stomach acid production and inflammation of the esophagus. Lifestyle changes like elevating the head of the bed, not lying down after a meal, and quiting smoking can also help. However, some cases of GERD require proper ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment for digestive disorders focus on the root cause of problem and helps cure the problem permanently.

Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s disease is part of a group of digestive disorder called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s can affect any part of the gastro intestinal  tract but most commonly affects the terminal ileum and large intestine, which connects the end of the small bowel to the beginning of the large intestine, or colon. More than half a million peoples  are living with Crohn’s disease.

Doctors aren’t sure what causes the disease, but it’s thought that genetics and family history may play a part. The most common Crohn’s symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, weight loss, and fever. “ Ayurvedic Treatment for digestive disorder like crohn’s disease depends on the cause of disease and focus on cleansing the gut, correction in diet and  include herbal suplements to balance Vata-pitta dosha Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari says.

Ulcerative Colitis

Also an inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis may affect as many as 900,000 People . Symptoms of  ulcerative colitis are similar to Crohn’s but the part of the digestive tract affected is solely the colon.

If your immune system mistakes your colon lining or other materials for invaders, sores or ulcers develop in the colon’s lining. If you experience frequent and urgent bowel movements, pain with diarrhea, blood in your stool, or abdominal cramps, make sure to see your doctor. Ayurvedic treatment for ulcerative colitis and other digestive disorder are safe, effective and helps to cure the problem.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is your digestive tract irritable? Do you have stomach pain or discomfort at least three times a month for several months? It could be  Irritable bowel syndrome ,about 5 to 10 percent of people experience IBS, and of that percentage, up to 45 million people with IBS live in India.  Signs of IBS can vary widely from having hard, dry stools to loose, watery stools, or both blaoting and gas are also symptoms of IBS. 

What causes IBS isn’t known, but treating symptoms centers largely on diet, such as eating low-fat, high-fiber meals and avoiding common trigger foods (dairy products, alcohol, caffeine , artificial sweeteners, and foods that produce gas). Following the low Foodmap  diet , which involves eliminating foods that are high in certain carbohydrates (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols), has been found to reduce IBS symptoms. 

Some research suggests  probiotic , or friendly bacteria found in certain foods like yogurt and sold as supplements, may help with IBS. Ayurveda recommends use of buttermilk in irritable bowel syndrome.

Stress can trigger IBS symptoms, so some people find cognitive behavioral therapy or yoga and meditation  to be useful treatments, as well. 


If there’s bright red blood in the toilet bowl when you move your bowels, it could be a sign of piles. In fact, 75 percent of Indian over age 45 have hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins found in your anus or lower rectum that can be painful and itchy. Causes include chronic constipation, diarrhea, straining during bowel movements, and a lack of fiber in your diet.

Treat piles in ayurvedic way by eating more fiber & less spicy food, drinking more water, and exercising. At home, treatments like sitting in hot water and applying counter creams and suppositories usually provide relief of hemorrhoids. But if symptoms persist, then ayurvedic treatment for piles is advised. In some cases used  ayurvedic procedure like kshar sutra may be needed to remove hemorrhoids. 

Ayurvedic Treatment Solutions for Digestive Disorder

 From an Ayurvedic treatment perpective digestive disorders are  mainly caused due to imbalance of Agni. When there is disturbance in Agni it leads to 3 types of imbalance in Agni.

  1.  Visham- Agni : This means irregular and it is caused due Vata dosha. In this type sometimes food will be digested and sometimes it remains undigested. Balancing vata dosha helps to bring normalncy.
  2. Tiksna-Agni: In this type the Agni becomes very high and as result it damages the mucosal lining of the digestive tract.  Tiksna Agni will lead to recurrent hunger as all the food will be digested by the Agni.
  3. Mandagni : In mandagni the digestive fire becomes very weak and is not able to digest the food in normal quantity as well. This happens because of  imbalance of Kapha dosha. 

3 Step Ayurvedic Treatment for Digestive disorder

To keep the digestive system healthy and avoid the chronic digestive disorders it is important to follow this 3 step ayurvedic treatment. This not only helps to avoid getting ill but also helps to get relief from chornic gut problems.  So here are the 3 steps

1. Detox the Digestive system: Because of weak digestion and dosha imablance, the toxins that are naturally eliminated fro the body starts accumulating in the body especially in the digestive system. Therefore the first step is to cleanse the body through the process of detoxification. 

The best way to detoxify the digestive system is Fasting.  Also you can take Triphala churna 1 to 2 teaspoon two times daily.

2 . Diet : This is the next  step in  ayurvedic treatment for all the digestive disorder probelms. Watch your diet , what you are eating, when you are eating, how you are eating, is the previously food digested or not.

 If you are eating to much cold, dry, fermented, prossced food eating late in the night, eating without previous food get digested will lead to not only digestive disorder but also many other inflammatory diseaeses in the body. 

So do self analysis of your diet or take help of expert Ayurvedic vaidya .

 Secondly the most important aspect is sleep. If you are not getting 6-7 hours of sound sleep then your digestion is definately going to suffer. Not only how much hours do you sleep but also the regualr time of sleeping and waking up also impacts your digestion. 

 Also you must  is last the very important part to keep digestion at optimum levels. This includes what and how you do throughout the day. Right from your time to get in the morning , to your lunch time, dinner time, exercise time, your stress management.

3. Dosha Balancing :

Lastly the ayurvedic treatment for digestive disorder work on bringing the dosha back to normalancy. This is achieved by ayurvedic medicines and herbs that balance the Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha.

Once you work on this aspect you will find that your digestion is working at optimum levels and you no longer troubled by this digestive disorder also you will free from taking medications for lifeti

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