The numbers speak for themselves, Diabetes is a rising problem and the health complications it can cause are severe. Living with diabetes is difficult. There are so many factors to consider and this can be stress full but all this should not put your life on hold. Managing your diabetes with Ayurveda makes your life a lot easier. If you are a diabetic or genetically prone to getting diabetes you can delay the onset and treat it effectively with Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in holistic way .

What is Diabetes & its causes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism, with a relative or absolute deficiency in insulin secretory response resulting in hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance is a major factor in the development of Type 2 diabetes, which is seen in obese patients.

Causes of Diabetes

Asyasukham swapnasukham dadhini gramyodakanuprasah payansi, Navannapanam gudvaikratam ch
Pramehahetuh kaphakrichh sarvam.
(Charak, Chikitsa 6/4)

  • Being physically inactive
  • Excessive sleep, including sleeping during the daytime
  • Eating too much sweet food
  • Excessive use of curd and  other dairy products
  • Eating too many foods that cause an increase in Kapha dosha.
  • Your genes are also responsible in early development of Diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Most of the people don’t know that they have diabetes, and this is because they don’t understand the signs and symptoms, here are some warning sign you should not Ignore.

  • Hunger and lethargic feeling.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Feeling thirstier than normal.
  • Wounds that heals slowly.
  • Rapid weight loss.

Ayurvedic perspective of Diabetes

According to ayurveda, diabetes can be traced to an imbalance of kapha dosha, which is comprised of water and earth elements. Ayurveda attribute the development of diabetes to a decrease in the digestive fire or Agni and there by diminished ability of the body to metabolize energy and eliminate toxins. In ayurveda there is no separate description of Diabetes. However it covered under the topic of  Prameha. There are  twenty types of prameha mentioned in ayurvedic text. These types are classified  depending on the dominance Vata, Pitta, Kapha  dosha & color of urine.

Diabetes is compared with  Madhumeha a type of prameha with Vata dosha dominance. 

Managing diabetes is a challenge but you can overcome this challenge by following holistic and natural way of controlling blood sugar along with ayurveda medicines. But before starting any treatment you must consult with an expert ayurveda physician.

Ayurvedic clasification of Diabetes

Etiological Classification (Sushrut)
1. Sahaja Prameha (Type 1/Juvenile/IDDM)
 Family history
 Early onset
 Asthenic constitution
 Prone to complications
2. Apathyanimittaja Prameha ( Type 2/NIDDM)
 Over nutrition
 Sedentary habits
 Obese
 Manageable with diet control and Herbo-Mineral Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes

Ayurvedic clasification of Diabetes According to Dosha

Kaphaja Prameha – (Pre-Diabetes)There are 10 sub types of Kapha Prameha with following symptoms.
 Overweight with Mild Hyperglycemia
 Pittaja Prameha – (Acute Diabetes) There are 6 sub types of Pittaj Prameha with following symptoms.
 Loss of weight
 Hyperglycemia and Glycosuria
 Urinary Tract Infection
Vataja Prameha –  ( Chronic Diabetes)There are 4 sub types of Vataja Prameha. It is having following symptoms
 Severe Hyperglycemia with Glycosuria
 Nephropathy, Neuropathy
 Cardio Respiratory Complication

Diet & lifestyle recommendation of Diabetes

Include more green leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Include fiber in your diet like jowar , bajra

Keep yourself hydrated with sufficient quantity of water

Reduce intake of saturated fats found in chips, biscuits, samosas, pastries.

Keep your mind calm & manage your stress.

Quit smoking and alcohol

Keep yourself physically active by brisk walking, cycling and yoga in your daily routine.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies

  1.  Turmeric : Take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder add ¼ teaspoon of  amla  powder to it. Take this mixture  along with warm water empty stomach in the morning is very effective remedy to manage blood sugar levels.
  2.  Cinnamon & Ginger tea along with tulasi helps to ignite agni ( digestive fire) and can also keep your sugar at a stable level.
  3.  Garlic soak a bud of garlic  in milk or water overnight. Eat this garlic bud in morning also helps in diabetics to keep cholesterol in check.
  4.  Fenugreek seed are easily available in every household. Soak 1 teaspoon of methi seeds in water overnight. Eat this soaked seeds in the morning is very helpful for managing sugar levels. 
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