Treatment for Cervical Spondylitis: Relieve Neck Pain Naturally

Treatment for Cervical Spondylitis: Relieve Neck Pain Naturally

Cervical Spondylitis

Neckpain is most commonly caused due to cervical spondylities. It is a degenerative condition of the neck spine.This is particularly caused by age-related wear and tear in the vertebrae of the neck as well as due to other reasons also. Research has shown that cervical spondylitis is definately the most common cause of non-traumatic weakness in arms and a persistent stiffness and nagging pain in the neck. Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain is effective and safe way to fight this age related problems. 

Spondylitis means changes in the vertebral joint because of increasing degeneration of the vertebral disc of neck. Along with this there is subsequent changes in the bones and soft tissues. Most often in people above the age of 40, the intervertebral discs get progressively dehydrated. As a result of this dehydration they become more compressible and less elastic. Mineral deposition starts occurring in the intervertebral disc resulting in secondary changes. Although the majority of individuals over 40 years of age demonstrate significant radiological evidence of the above changes, only a small percentage develop symptoms of the same.

Causes of cervical spondylitis

Age –.  Most often in people above the age of 40, the intervertebral discs get progressively dehydrated and they become more compressible and less elastic
Neck injury – A neck injury even if has been a while can predispose one to spondylitis. In addition to this other affecting factors such as poor posture,trauma that could trigger spondylitis attacks could be poor posture, trauma.
Genetics – While the hereditary tendency is yet to be confirmed. However  those who have CS and are above 50 years of age have a higher likelihood to have a sibling with the same condition.
Work activity – Those who carry heavy loads on their head or shoulders are more likely to have cervical spondylitis. Along with this people working on computers are also more likely to get affected..
Herniated disks –. The slipped disk that can slowly develop into associated problems such as Cervical Spondylitis. 

Symptoms of cervical spondylitis 

  • Headache
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Tingling and numbness in arms
  • Pains on back of neck and shoulder
  • Vertigo is also very common symptom.

Ayurveda view

As per Ayurveda wisdom this is known as Manya sthamb. The problem is caused by the vitiation of vata dosha. When vata gets aggravated it causes the dryness in the body. Because of  the dryness fluid in the joint get dehydrated.  As a result of this dehydration further leads to decrease of the cushioning of connective tissue between the joints. This slowly  leads to disc degeneration and spondylitis.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Neck pain : Diet & Lifestyle Modification 

  • Acidic food, Fried food, Spicy food should be avoided 
  • Pulses and various preparations of pulses are also contra-indicated in this condition.
  • Vitamins D and B help reduce pain and inflammation so one must consume lots of fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E and other nutrients helps in reducing pain and inflammation take foods that are rich in Omega -3 fatty acids. They both help in repairing bones and muscles.
  • Quit smoking Smoking contributes to osteoporosis. It hardens the arteries supplying blood to our bones and reduces the blood supply to other vital structures that form your backbone.
  • Exercise daily  a good exercise will improve blood circulation.
  • Yoga and neck exercises help to improve muscle strength and flexibility.
  • Maintain comfortable position while reading, writing and operating computers

Simple home remedies  

  • Hot fomentation or application of heat to the neck region will give immediate relief.
  • Massage your neck up to shoulder regularly with  the medicated oils  to stimulate circulation and boost flexibility.
  • Take milk with turmeric and dry ginger (saunth) for daily dose of calcium  
  • Taking 20ml Castrol oil twice a week at bed time helps relieving stiffness.

 Ayurveda Treatment for Neck pain 

Our  Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain for will depend on the underlying causes and severity of your problem. Ayurveda treatments main aim is to treat the root cause; therefore the treatments are mainly focused on detoxification, diet and lifestyle changes and Ayurvedic medicines.

 Firstly  internal cleansing this is done to remove the aam (toxins) from the body. The detoxification of body is achieved either by Panchakarma procedure or can be done by taking herbal detoxification medicines.

Secondly after cleansing is done the next step is to reignite the digestive power as it is well established Ayurveda principle that weak digestion is the main reason for most of the diseases. This done by advising Ayurveda diet and lifestyle modification.

Lastly in Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain we provide you with ayurveda and herbal medicines. This medicines are made according to your Prakriti and disease. The main aim of the medicines is to pacify the Vata dosha in the body and provide nutrition to arrest the degeneration of the tissues.

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