Troubled by chronic or acute back pain?  Ayurvedic treatment solution for back pain  is the answer. Yes you are not alone suffering from back pain . At some point in just about everyone’s life, we suffer from acute or chronic back pain and our backs remind us that they need love and attention too.

Thankfully, for many of us, the pain is only temporary. But for others, it can be much more debilitating—and much more frustrating. While managing chronic back pain can be challenge but there is a ray of hope with Ayurveda treatment solution for back pain.

Men and women are equally affected. It commonly occurs between the ages of 40 to 60yrs the risk of experiencing back pain from disc or spinal degeneration increases with age. Back pain may have a sudden onset or can be a chronic pain; it can be constant or intermittent, stays in one place or radiates to other areas as well. The pain may be dull, sharp, with or without burning sensation the pain may be associated with tingling, weakness, or numbness.

What are the causes for Back pain ?

  •  Poor Posture –  is the most common cause of back pain.
  • The real pain might be triggered by sudden lifting of weights, a sudden turn or a wrench, a fall on the back, sitting in a cramped position for a long time, horse-riding, riding a tractor etc.
  • Psychic factors like depression ‘ can cause lowered (poor) muscle tone and cause a backache
  • Sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the incidence of recurring low back pain, while increased physical activity had a significant effect on the presence of chronic low back pain
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity –  excess body weight puts extra pressure on your back and causes back pain.
  • Arthritis –  with increasing age the joint of the back bone undergo degeneration which causes back pain
  • Osteoporosis – caused due to calcium deficiency is common condition leading to back pain
  • Herniated disc – any heavy strain or increased pressure in the back can displace the round, resilient discs which act as cushions for the backbones. Displaced disc can press surrounding nerves and causes pain, tingling &numbness in legs.
Back pain ayurvedic treatment solution

What are the symptoms of Back pain ?

Usually most of the back pain should go away on its own within two to four weeks. If you have persistent backache and one or more of the following symptoms it is the time to consult a doctor.

  • Your pain is accompanied by stiffness
  • You have developed weakness in the legs along with or after the onset of back pain
  • Pain radiates below the hips to legs
  • Inability to stand up straight
  • The pain that reduces with rest or minimal movement
  • Difficulty in bending forward or sideways
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Feeling as if the back muscles were bound and tightened by a binder

Back pain in Ayurvedic treatment Perspective

In Ayurvedic treatment back pain is known as Kati shool where kati refers to lower back and shool refers to pain. Vata dosha , is the predominant dosha causing these conditions this type of pain causes both bone and muscle weakness (asthi dhatu kshaya or mamsa dhatu kshaya). The airy humor of Vata dosha is associated with back pain but it can easily be caused by two other doshas.Due to sedentary lifestyle, wrong food choices, and injury to back, lifting of heavy object and due to obesity there is vitiation of vata dosha which is then accumulates in Kati (back) causing back pain.

Ayurvedic Treatment Solution for Back pain

The Ayurvedic treatment solutions for backpain will depend on the underlying causes and severity of your pain. Main aim of Ayurvedic treatment is to correct  the root cause of Back pain. Therefore the treatments are mainly focused on detoxification that is internal cleansing this is done to remove the aam (toxins) from the body. The detoxification of body is achieved either by Panchakarma procedure or can be done by taking herbal detoxification medicines. After cleansing is done the next step is to reignite the digestive power as it is well established Ayurveda principle that weak digestion is the main reason for toxin build up in the body, so to avoid relapse maintaining good digestion is very important this done by advising Ayurveda diet and lifestyle modification. Lastly Ayurvedic treatment solution for back pain works to bring Vata dosha balance with ayurvedic herbal mediccines .

Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Yoga in Back Pain Treatment

  • The patients should avoid fatty, spicy and fried foods, curd, sweetmeats and sugar, condiments, tea and coffee.
  • Foods that have been processed for preservation should be eliminated from the diet
  • Consume foods that are rich in fiber to avoid constipation.
  • Keep your weight under control
  • Take foods that are rich in calcium &vitamin D. They both help in building and repairing bones and muscles.
  • Quit smoking Smoking contributes to osteoporosis. It hardens the arteries supplying blood to our bones and reduces the blood supply to other vital structures that form your backbone.
  • Exercise daily a good exercise will improve your posture
  • While sleeping, make sure your bed provides adequate support to your back.
  • Shuffle your position from time to time. Don’t sit in one position for too long.


Ayurvedic Home Remedies in Back pain

  • Hot fomentation or application of heat to the back will give immediate relief.
  • Massage your back regularly with the medicated oils to stimulate circulation and boost flexibility.
  • Take milk and other dairy product for daily dose of calcium.
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