Ayurvedic  treatment tips for digestive System

Ayurvedic treatment tips for digestive System

In recent years there is increase in curiosity about gut health. Many studies says that there is link of poor gut health with many chronic lifestyle diseases. Ayurveda the science of life has 5000 years ago said that most of the diseases in human body starts with unhealthy digestive system. In today’s time with irregular lifestyle, wrong food habits and stressful life it has become difficult to keep the digsetive system healthy. However these 5 Ayurvedic  treatment tips for unhealthy digestive system will help you to boost your digestion.


1. Fasting

 In Ayurvedic treatment  fasting  is  a very effective way to keep digestive system  at optimal level. Fasting helps in absorption of  Ama  ( the toxins) from the gut. Along with this fasting helps to bring balance in Dosha’s. Fasting once a week is very helpful to keep  digestive system healthy. However you can also do intermitent fasting. 

2. Eating Freshly Prepared food

In this fast paced hectic life we  mostly use packed , processed and refrigerated food to eat. This foods are not good for digestive system and makes Agni ( Digestive Fire) weak. Also these food tend to vitiated the Vata dosha because they are dry in nature. The packed and proceesed food items contains preservative which impacts the secreation of Pitta dosha ( Digestive juice). Therefore in ayurvedic treatment for digestive system we  always ask  to eat freshly prepared food to keep your gut healthy.

3. Stay Active

To keep your digestive system healthy daily exercise is one of the most important aspect. Exercising helps to improve metabolism but also improves blood circulation to the digestive system. That is why one should go to bed straightway after having lunch and dinner. If you feel sleepy after lunch just take nap relaxing in chair. 

4. Choose food according to your body type

In Ayurvedic treatment every individual is considered unique and there is no one fits all approach. So your food should be in accordance with your body type. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are main body type in Ayurveda. The digestive power of Vata type will be different from Pitta and Kapha and vice versa. Therefore food suitable for Vata type will not suit a person with a Kapha body type. To understand this better take a example of Sweet taste ( Madhur ras) is good for vata person however sweet taste will not be suitable for Kapha person as it will cause diseases in his/her body.

5. Take your Dinner by 7 pm

Again following this  principle of ayurvedic treatment helps immensly in treating unhealthy digestive system. Ayurveda says that as the sunsets the digestive power also starts becoming weak. So as the night progress the digestion also slows down. Therefore if dinner is taken late in the night this puts additional pressure on the digestive system which is unable to digest the food. As a result of this food remains undigested and Ama is formed. This ama makes your gut unhealthy. Therefore eating dinner by 7 pm helps in proper digestion of food and keep digestion optimum.

6. Use Ayurvedic herbs to treat unhealthy gut

Ayurvedic  treatment  includes herbs and spices are very effective in treating unhealthy digestive system. Herbs such as dry ginger, mint leaves, neem leaves helps to improve Agni, the digestive fire. Adding spices like black pepper, cumin seeds, corrainder seeds, fennel seeds , carum seeds whicle perparing food also helps in digsetion. However you must make sure which herb and spices you should use by asking to Ayurvedic doctor. In addition to this there are many Ayurvedic medicines that are very useful for treating unhealthy gut. The medicine such as  Avippatikar churna, Hingwastak churna, Abhyaristh, Chirtrikadi vati, Jeerakaristh  are very effective.

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