Enjoy a Pain Free Life With Ayurveda

Enjoy a Pain Free Life With Ayurveda

Living a pain free life is what all of us want. Joint pain is one of the commonest condition which makes you uncomfortable .  Joint pain ranges from mild to severe and from acute and short-lived to chronic and of long duration and may be local or widespread. Pain and discomfort can strike any joint knee, ankle, wrist, elbow ,shoulder. Pain can be caused by disorders of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursae, or a combination. Ayurvedic treatment for joint disorders at Risha Ayurveda is efffective safe and natural way to get pain relief

Ayurvedic Treatment for Joint disorders at Risha Ayurveda

 The Risha Ayurveda Joint disorders Treatment Program offers solutions for varied joint disorder, including osteo arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, back pain, spondilities, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus erthematosus, Unlike the conventional medicines which, provide only temporarily relieve the symptoms of joint pain, the Ayurvedic treatment for  joint disorder program aims at treating the root cause of the disease which is seldom found in modern medicine with combination of Ayurvedic medicine, diet and lifestyle changes.

The Ayurvedic Joint disorders treatment program consist of 3-step scientific approach. The first step  of detoxification, secondly diet plan and lastly dosha balancing helps to get long lasting relief from your joint pain and helps you live a pain free life. Combination of right diet, yoga, meditation, few changes in your lifestyle along with Ayurvedic medicines makes for holistic treatment for joint pain.

Detoxification +Right diet & lifestyle changes + Nourishment = Pain free life

Risha Ayurveda‘s Pain Management Program

 This program is designed for those suffering from or prone to chronic joint and musculoskeletal disorder such as bulging discs, disc prolapsed spondylosis arthritis, frozen shoulder, osteoarthritis, back pain. This program lays emphasis on customized ayurvedic medicines which provides relief from acute pain, tension, and stiffness while correcting the root cause of joint pain, improving the digestion improving blood circulation and strengthening the immune system. By understanding the pathogenesis(samprapti) and taking into account various factor such as age, gender, immunity, digestive fire, genetic factor we develop a customized treatment plan to reverse the condition. This treatment plan includes ayurvedic medicine and therapies which not only provide relief from the symptoms but corrects the root cause of disease.  

How Ayurvedic Treatment for Joint disorders works

Cleansing & Detoxification

Poor diet, weak digestion, weak elimination leads to accumulation of toxins (aam) and vitiation of vata dosha in joints that causes many joint disorders. Our program is designed to remove these deep seated toxins.

Diet Plan

In our program we design individual diet plan to improve your digestion. This diet plan is aimed at providing anti-inflammatory food plan that will helps in reducing the existing rate of inflammation. We make you aware of the food that aggravates the joint pain. 

Boost Immunity

This program boosts the immunity of bones and muscles of the joint by providing nourishment through rasayana herbs and specific Ayurveda medicine. We use herbal preparations which pacify the vata dosha the root cause of joint pain and repair the damage to muscles and tendons of the joint.  

 Benefits of Pain Management Program

  • This treatment eases pain.
  • It helps to decreases inflammation between joints.
  • It improves mobility strength & function of joints.
  • This treatment prevents further degeneration of joints.
  • It Increases blood circulation thus eases stiffness in joints.
  • This treatment provide sense of relief without causing gastric irritation
  • This treatment is safe for your Liver, kidney & other important organs
  • This treatment helps you to avoid painful surgeries.
  • This treatment helps you lead a Pain free life.
  • This treatment is safe, easy & soothing treatment for all types of joint pain.

   Ayurvedic joint disorders treatment program is very effective in all type of Bones & Joint disorder like.

  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Spondilites 
  • Hip joint Necrosis

What is joint pain ?

This is a condition in which there is pain in joints of the body associated swelling and stiffness. This pain may affect your single joint or multiple joints of the body. Joint pain can occur for number of reason. For many people, it is due to arthritis of which there are several types. For others it may due fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, spondyloarthritis and depression.

Diet & lifestyle for joint pain

  • Avoid dry, preserved and packaged foods,
  • Avoid carbonated drinks or cold food items.
  • Choose foods that are easy to digest and warming.
  • Excessive use of joints and underuse are both problematic, so get some exercise each day, but do not overdo it.
  • Try exercises that are easy on the joints such as walking, swimming and yoga.
  • Watch your weight keep it at an optimum level.
  • Do not withhold natural urges (such as burping, urinating, releasing gas, etc.)

Simple home remedies

  • Use warm til(sesame oil) to massage . Massage improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation and stiffness.
  • Hot  fomentation with decoction of tulasi helps reduce stiffness. 
  • Taking half teaspoon of fenugreek powder with water or buttermilk helps to relieve pain
  • Boil half teaspoon of  dry ginger in 8 cups of water for 10 minutes. Drink this tea at a warm temperature throughout the day.

Pain in your body telling you there is something wrong. the good news is that with proper diagnosis of the cause of your joint pain,you  can address and tackle the root problem so you can feel and live your bes

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