Long Lasting Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout

Get long lasting relief from gout problem with our personalised based Ayurvedic treatment for gout. The 3d approach of detoxification, diet plan and dosha balancing helps to get permanent relief from high uric acid problem.

Best Ayurvedic doctor in nagpur

What is Gout

Gout is a kind of arthritis characterized by sudden onset of severe pain associated with burning, redness, and tenderness of joints. The most commonly affected joint is the big toe. This attacks of gout happens over and over until it is treated. If it is left untreated it harms your joint, tendons, and other tissue. Gout is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood.

Understanding Gout from Ayurvedic treatment perpective

In Ayurveda, gout is referred to as “Vatarakta,” a condition caused by the imbalance of Vata (air and space) and Rakta (blood). Ayurveda treats gout not just as a joint issue but as a systemic imbalance, addressing the root cause rather than just the symptoms.

Based  on the seat  of the disease, vata rakta is  classified  into two type

Uttan (Superficial) – This is located at superficial level of skin (twak) & muscle (mansa).


Gambhir (Deep) – This is located in the deeper tissue (dhatu) and is more severe in nature.

Types of Gout

In Ayurveda gout is classified into 4 types depending upon the dominance of dosha.

Vataj  vata-rakta

In this type of gout there is severe pain along with cracks in skin around the joint. There is dryness in joint. Along with this there is stiffness in the whole body. The affected person is sensitive to cold weather and dry and cold food items.

Raktaj  vata-rakta

In this type of vata-rakta there is severe pain and swelling.  The pain in this is like some is pricking a needle. There will be redness around the joint. There will be weakness in patient.  There is no relief with normal treatment.

Pittaj vata-rakta

In pittaj vata-rakta burning sensation is more. There will be tenderness, redness, and burning sensation around the joint. In some cases of pittaj vata rakta there is pus formation and even gangrene also develops sometimes.

Kaphaj vata-rakta

Stimitya is the main symptoms in kaphaj vata-rakta. Heavyness in body, lethargic feeling and coldness are other symptoms in this type of vata-rakta. There might be itching around joint. The intensity of pain is less as compared to other types of vata-rakta.

Symptoms Of Gout

 Sudden onset of intense joint pain

Gout usually affects the large joint of your big toe, but it can occur in your feet, ankles, knees, hands, and wrist. The pain is likely to be most severe within the first 12 to 24 hours after it begins.

Lingering discomfort

After the most severe pain subsides, some joint discomfort may last from few days to few weeks. Later the attacks are likely to last longer and affect more joints.

Swelling & Redness

The affected joint  become swollen, painful with redness on joints.

Causes of Gout

Common causes for uric acid accumulation in Ayurveda

Excessive intake of Sour (amla), Salty(lavana) and spicy( katu) food items.

Too much intake of sour, salty, spicy food such as pickles, sauces, curd, packed and processed food items causes accumulation of uric acid in the body.


Too much consumption of alcohol is also considered as leading cause of gouty arthritis. In ayurveda alcohol is considered as ushna (hot) and tikshna (piercing) and aggravating pitta dosha.

Non Vegetarian diet

People eating  more non vegetarian food such as red meat and fish, egg, are found to have high levels of uric acid in comparison of people taking vegetarian diet.

Improper lifestyle

Lifestyle plays a very important part in staying healthy.  Staying awake in night, sleeping during day time, not taking meals on time all contribute towards vitiation of Vata- pitta dosha in body.

Obesity & High blood pressure

Excessive weight gain also leads to gouty arthritis

Kidney function

Normally uric acid dissolves in your blood and passes through your kidneys into urine. Renal insufficiency to excrete uric acid is also the leading cause of hyperuricemia in majority of gout cases.

What is Ayurvedic treatment for Gout

Ayurveda offers a holistic, multi-dimensional approach to treating gout that focuses on detoxification, lifestyle modifications, and dietary changes. Our treatments aim to balance the aggravated doshas (Vata and Pitta), cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, and strengthen the immune system to prevent recurrence.

Detox :One needs to clean the digestive system from the toxins that accumulated.

Diet : Secondly one need to change their diet and eat in accordance with his/her body type and to balance the aggeavted dosha’s.

Dosha Balancing : Lastly  dosha’s need to be balanced to avoid the recurrence of disease.

Panchkarma Therapy : Specific panchkarma therapies like virechan, basti and rakthmokshan may be required as per individual requirement.

Why choose our Ayurvedic gout treatment

   1 . Comprehensive Analysis:

We lay a lot of emphasis on identifying the root cause of gout in a person. For this we use various tools such as Nadi pariksha, Prakriti Parishan, and detail about all the aspect responsible for development of disease.

2. Customized treatment plan :

Based on the results of the comprehensive analysis a customised ayurvedic  treatment plan is created which consist of diet plan, lifestyle corrections, yoga, herbal ayurvedic medicines and specific therapies to restore dosha balance.

3. Compassionate Care :

Your health and well-being are our top priorities. We are committed to providing compassionate care in warm and welcoming environment.

 4. Safe & Natural :

We use only natural, herbal remedies that are free from harsh chemicals and side effects, promoting gentle and effective healing.

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