Tried every thing for black thick itchcy patch on skin then Ayurvedic treatment for Eczema is the solution. Yes Eczema is a common skin disease globally. Prevalence is around 10% in infants and 3% in adult population. It is a superficial inflammatory skin disease presented with redness, itching, and may be with papules and vesicles. The exact cause is unknown. However over reaction of immune system to irritants is considered to cause the symptoms.
Along with this hereditary and environmental factors play a key role in the cause of the disease. Pesticides and preservatives of the food, incompatible food combinations, environmental pollution causes failure of body mechanism of elimination. As a result of this toxins start accumulating in the system and express itself as eczema. Stress is not a cause, but still an aggravating factor. If any family member has a history of allergies or asthma then there is an increased chance for eczema. Referred to as Vicharchika in Ayurveda ,eczema is best treated with natural Ayurvedic treatment for eczema that are devoid of harmful side effects.
Causes of Exzema
- Hereditary factors
- Very cold and hot environments
- Use of Soap and detergent
- Upper respiratory tract infections
- Fragrances, colours and other chemicals in cosmetics and skincare products.
- Eating foods that are not compatible with each other also leads to exzema.
Symptoms of Exzema
- In infants (below 2 years) – Extreme itching and rashes on scalp as well as cheeks
- In children (from 2 years to puberty) – Rashes behind creases of elbow or knees along with neck, wrist and ankles. Rashes may become lighten or darken in color and it may become thickened.
- In adults – Rashes appear in the creases of elbows, knees. Skin becomes permanently itchy, scaly and dry.
- Blisters
- Blackish discoloration
- Oozing, pain
- Dryness & redness
- Ulceration
![Ayurvedic treatment for Eczema](
Ayurvedic treatment perspective of Exzema
Unhealthy diet and lifestyle causes vitiation of digestive fire. As a result of this leading there is production of partially digested food gaining toxic nature. This is known as Ama ( toxins). When this Ama starts accumulating in skin and layers of skin then this leads to Ezcema.
Because to the respective factors, all three humors Vata ,Pitta and Kapha are vitiated. As a result this dosha’s cause pathological changes of tissues (dhatu) such as Twak (skin), Mamsa (flesh), Raktha (Blood ) and water principle of the body.
Thus in Vicharchika as it is known as in ayurveda, Kandu (itching) is the symptom of Kapha vitiation, Pidaka (pustules, vesicles and papules) the symptom of Pitta vitiation and Shyavata (erythema with discoloration), Dryness is the symptom of Vata vitiation are present. If the disease is not treated early, it will affect deeper dhatus or tissues.
Because to the respective factors, all three humors Vata ,Pitta and Kapha are vitiated. As a result this dosha’s cause pathological changes of tissues (dhatu) such as Twak (skin), Mamsa (flesh), Raktha (Blood ) and water principle of the body.
Thus in Vicharchika as it is known as in ayurveda, Kandu (itching) is the symptom of Kapha vitiation, Pidaka (pustules, vesicles and papules) the symptom of Pitta vitiation and Shyavata (erythema with discoloration), Dryness is the symptom of Vata vitiation are present. If the disease is not treated early, it will affect deeper dhatus or tissues.
Which body parts are affected In Ezcema
Eczema can affect any part of the body. However in children they often experience eczema on their faces as well as hands. Adults with eczema may notice the symptoms in other parts of the body such as the back, chest, legs, arms, neck, groin area along with folds of the arms and knees as well as scalp.
Specific types of eczema such as hand eczema or finger eczema as the name suggests, is often limited to the hands, fingers and legs. However dandruff caused by seborrheic dermatitis is mostly experienced on the scalp. Moreover stasis dermatitis affects the lower legs . Where as contact dermatitis occurs only in parts that are exposed to the skin irritants.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema
Since this is a chronic disease, detoxification procedures are required to remove the root cause. Thus oral medicines for detoxification or purification are necessary in the beginning. In the next stage medicines for external application are used. In the final stage of the treatment Ayurvedic medicine will be given to bring back dosha’s in normal state .
Panchkarma Ayurvedic Treatment for Eczema
- Snehana
After analyzing Dosha predominance, medicated ghee or sesame oil is administered orally. This is done for continuous seven days.
- Sweating
Mild sweating is done three days after oleation or snehana procedure. Since this is a chronic skin disease, Ayurvedic treatment for ezcema insists that only mild sweating should be applied in this condition.
- Vamana
If the patient present Kapha predominant symptoms such as cold, swelling, oozing and itching, Vamana or medicated vomiting is useful.
- Mridu virechana
In general mridu virechana or medicated laxatives are given. This procedure is specifically useful in Pitha predominant conditions, where burning sensation, fever; irritability, puss formation etc are predominant.
- Raktha sodhana (Bloodletting) and Blood purification
Once detoxification is achieved by the above procedures the bloodletting by leeches or other tools and techniques are used. This is done to reverse the pathology at the site of ezcema.
- Rasayana for revitalization of skin
After attaining detoxification of the system skin which is damaged by this chronic disease deserve revitalization. Classically mentioned rasayana or nourishing drugs are employed here.
External medications
All external medications are applied only after proper detoxification procedures and relief of the signs and symptoms by internal medicines.
- Lepa (Herbal Paste)
Paste made of herbal powder suitable for the patient is applied over affected area.
- Parisheka ( Cleaning with herbal decoction)
Here suitable herbal decoctions are poured continuously for specified time.
- Udvarthana ( Rubbing with herbal powder)
In the case of rough and thick skin (lichenified) rubbing with suitable herbal powder is effective.
- Avagaha ( Dipping in herbal decoction)
Sitting in big vessel filled with herbal decoction for specified time is useful where big areas of body are affected.
- Dhupana (Medicated fumigation)
Fumigation with suitable herbs is useful in Vatha and Kapha predominant conditions.