Constipation is one of the most common bowel problem impacting 14% of Indian population. It is defined as passing hard dry stool that you have to strain to move as well as having less than three bowel movement per week. Constipation is uncomfortable because it causes bloating cramps, and feeling of incomplete elimination. However despite its ability to make you feel miserable, constipation is generally regarded as more of nuisance than a real health threat.  While piles or hemorrhoids ulcers, abdominal pain, anal fissure, and fistula are some of the known medical condition cause constipation. Hence treating constipation at the right time is very important. Ayurvedic treatment for constipation is very safe and effective as it correct’s the root cause of constipation.  

What Causes Constipation

  • Lack of Fiber in diet
  • Erratic meal timing
  • Inadequate mastication
  • Drinking cold water
  • Stress anxiety hurry
  • Holding natural urges

What Are the Symptoms of Constipation?

  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Flatulence
  • Lack of appetite
  • Heaviness of body
  • Straining while motion
  • Headache
  • Lethargic feeling
Ayurvedic treatment for constipation

Ayurvedic Treatment View for Constipation

According to Ayurveda’s view constipation occurs when Vata dosha cold and dry qualities disturb colon. The disturbance in vata dosha is caused due inability to digest food. Because of  this dryness in colon undigested food and occult stool start accumulating in colon .As vata dosha is energy of movement, the movement inside colon gets obstructed resulting in constipation. There are mainly two type of constipation

1. Vata dosha dominant constipation : In this type the stool is very hard, there is pain while defeacation, gases and straining.

2. Vata- Kapha dosha dominant :  The stoo in vata-kapha type constipation is sticky and semisolid but comes out after lot of straining. Along with this there will be symptoms such as  Abdominal heaviness, lack of appetite and mouth watering.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation

While treating constipation the treatment needs to be targeted at level of digestive power. Moreover  the treatment must be able to restore  the altered level of vata dosha back to normalcy. The ayurvedic treatment for constipation  will depend on the underlying causes and severity of imbalanced dosha’s . Ayurvedic treatments main aim is to treat the root cause. Therefore the treatments are mainly focused on following steps.

Firstly the internal cleansing is done to remove the ama (toxins) from the body. The detoxification of body is achieved either by Panchakarma procedure or can be done by taking herbal detoxification medicines.

Secondly after cleansing is done the next step is to reignite the digestive power. Undoubtedly  it is well established Ayurveda principle that weak digestion is the main reason for constipation. This  is done by advising Ayurveda diet and lifestyle modification.

Lastly ayurvedic doctor will give herbs and ayurvedic medicine support and pacify the Vata dosha . Along with this we give combination of digestive and carminative (deepan & pachan) herbs in Ayurveda . Also  Yoga  for constipation will  also provided to improve colon function.

Diet & lifestyle for Ayurvedic Treatment of Constipation

  • Take fiber in your diet.
  • Include fresh, seasonal, and naturally sourced green leafy vegetables.
  • Whole fruits, sprouts wheat bran to make your diet fibrous.
  • Take your meals at regular time and in relaxed atmosphere.
  • Always finish your dinner early at least 3 hour before going to bed.
  • Avoid the intake of heavy, cool, and dry stale food.
  • Avoid stress, smoking, alcoholic beverages.
  • Processed and fermented food are heavy to digest and contains no fiber in it therefore they are known to cause constipation.
  • Avoid tea coffee and other aerated drinks.
  • Excessive oily & spicy foods should be avoided in people with constipation.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Constipation

  • Drink warm water at bed time and early morning.
  • Always take one teaspoon ghee with lukewarm water or milk before going to bed.
  • Taking Triphala churna at bed time is very beneficial.
  • Soak 5-7 raisins in one cup of water in night. Eat this soaked raisins in the morning will help you manage constipation
  • Take Ajwain seeds and mix black salt to it. Take ½ teaspoon of this mixture with lukewarm water after lunch and dinner.
  • Taking freshly prepared buttermilk also help to manage constipation.
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