Acne vulgarize is a skin problem, very commonly found among teenagers and youngsters. This skin condition is created due to malfunctioning of oil glands which are present under our skin. This sebaceous glands or oil glands become active secreting excess sebum or oil that blocks the skin pores and inflames hair follicles. As a result of this a series of skin problems arise collectively named as Acne. Acne may be of the following types black head, white heads, pus filled yellowish pustules, large nodular swelling underneath the skin and cystic acne. Acne pimples ayurvedic treatment are safe, effective way to manage this condition.

Causes of Acne

  • Taking diet rich in fats and deep fried food.


  • Use of chemicals and irritant cosmetics


  • Hormonal changes during puberty in boys and girls.


  • Chronic constipation.


  • Inadequate water intake.


  • Too oily skin also causes acne.


  • Stress is also one of the contributing factor.


  • Too much consumption of alcohol, tobacco, smoking
Ayurvedic Acne pimple treatment

Symptoms of Acne Pimples

  • It is characterized by black heads on face.


  • Small pus filled papules and pustule on face.


  • Large inflamed nodular swelling on face.

Acne Pimples in Ayurvedic perspective

Acne is called yuvana pidika in Ayurveda  where Yuvan means young and Pidika stand for swelling like pustules. So in Ayurveda  as the name suggest it affects  in young age mostly in the age group of 15-25 years . According to Ayurveda,acne is caused due to imbalance of Pitta and Kapha dosha.The excess Pitta makes the blood impure and causes inflammation. Excess of kapha leads to over production of oil and blocks the skin pores leading to pimples of the face.  

Ayurvedic treatment for Acne Pimples

The bacterial infections is only the symptom and not root cause of acne that is why treating acne with topical antibiotic creams may never cure the problem and acne continues to trouble you. In Ayurvedic treatment for acne pimples ayurvedic doctor try to find  the root cause of acne and then plan treatment to reverse the disease condition by treating the root cause. We help you in treating acne by detoxification of your body, advising diet and lifestyle changes and finally providing you with personalized Ayurveda medicine for acne. 

Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendation in Acne Treatment

ayurvedic treatment


 Your lifestyle plays  very important role in  ayurvedic treatment of acne pimples. We recommend you to make few changes in your lifestyle.

  • Wash your face often with plain water.
  • Steam your face at least twice a week to remove the clog.
  • Do not pinch or pluck your pimples or even touch them. They can scar.
  • Do not use oily cosmetics.
  • Try to sleep early at night.
  • Take your meals at regular time.
  • Do regular exercise yoga.

Ayurvedic Dietary recommendation in Acne Treatment

The health of your skin is directly related to your diet. In fact one of the reasons that stress can cause   sudden and severe outbreaks is because of the immediate impact that stress has on your digestive system. To help improve your digestion, follow, the general dietary guidelines  below.

  • Measures should be adopted to eradicate constipation.
  • Yoga and proper personal hygiene. .
  • Eat warm, soft cooked foods.
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • Restrict starchy, protein and fatty foods
  • Avoid meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, pickles, refined and processed foods
  • Citrus fruits, bananas, dried, stewed or tinned fruits should not be taken.
  • Avoid soft drinks, candies, ice cream and products made with sugar and white flour.

Home Remedies to Manage Acne

  • Drinking 7-8 glasses of water daily will help body’s self-cleansing, and will keep skin well hydrated.
  • Eating food rich in beta carotene, such as carrots, pumpkin, pomegranate and other seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Application of cucumber juice mixed with papaya is an excellent home remedy for pimples.
  • Aloe Vera is an excellent herb for all types of skin and is widely used as a natural herbal supplement. Aloe Vera can be used internally and externally.
  • Taking cumin, coriander and fennel tea is very beneficial for balancing Pitta dosha.

Herbal Face pack of Acne pimples

I am sharing with you very effective face pack  for acne management. As we have told that harmful chemical based creams harms your face, this face packs are natural, safe and no chemicals or preservative are added. You can easily make it by yourself.

Face pack  FOR DRY SKIN  (Vata type): Take following herbs in equal quantity and mix them and keep it in air tight bottle. 

How to use it: Take above mixture  5 grams and add rose water or plain water to make thin paste. Apply on the face and keep it till it dries. Longer the better. Rinse with cold water.

Khus powder.

Chandan Powder.

Haldi ( Ambha) powder.

Manghista powder.

Lodhra churna.

Masoor dal churna.

Face pack  FOR OILY SKIN (Kapha type): Take following herbs in equal quantity and mix them and keep it in air tight bottle. 

How to use it: Take above mixture  5 grams and add rose water or plain water to make thin paste. Apply on the face and keep it till it dries. Longer the better. Rinse with cold water.

Neem powder.

Orange peel powder.

Haldi ( Ambha) powder.

Manghista powder.

Lodhra churna.

Multani mitti


Acne pimple is skin problem mostly faced by young people in age group of 15 to 25 years. Altough it is not life threating however it has negative impact on personality of boy or girl. Ayurvedic treatment and management it very effective in treating acne. Diet and lifestyle recommendation ensures that the problem is cured from its root.  Also simple home remedies are very good and helps in management of acne pimples.  

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