Ayurvedic Solutions for Osteoarthritis: Natural Relief and Healing
Elderly woman sitting on wheelchairs with knee pain

Ayurvedic Solutions for Osteoarthritis: Natural Relief and Healing


Osteoarthritis is one of the types of arthritis that is caused due to degeneration and eventually loss of the cartilage of joints. Cartilage is a tissue that covers the inside of the joints and acts as a cushion between the two bones forming a joint. When the cartilage starts undergoing degeneration, the bone becomes inflamed as its protective covering is lost. This causes pain during weight bearing activities such as standing, walking, etc. This condition usually affects the weight bearing joints such as the knees and hips; it can also affect other joints such as those of the hands, feet and the spine.

Osteoarthritis occurs commonly as a person ages and it is frequently seen in persons above the age of 55 years though it can also occur earlier than this. Before the age of 45 years, it is more common in males. 

Causes of  Osteo arthritis

  • Osteo arthritis occurs commonly as person ages
  • Genetic predisposition also is one common cause for osteoarthritis 
  • Joint Injury
  • Joint surgery
  • Obesity
  • Irregular diet, Weak digestive system
  • Lack of physical activities  


  • Pain & stiffness of joint
  • Swelling  and warmth of joints
  • Cracking sound  from the joint
  • Limited mobility of joints
  • Stiffness is usually worse after long period of inactivity 


 As age advances, the Digestive processes slows down and influence of vata dosha progresses, resulting in the process of gradual degeneration of the body. According to Ayurveda, Osteoarthritis (Sandhigatvata) is caused when influence of Vata dosha increases in the joints. Because of dry quality of Vata, it absorbs the fluid (Kapha) from the joints and causes destruction of the cartilages and reduction in the Synovial Fluid inside the joint capsule. Sandhivata are of two types one is where ama is involved along with vata dosha and second is where there is dhatukshya janya (degenerative). Most of the cases of sandhivata are of dhatukshaya janya (degenerative) type occurring due to ageing process.

Diet & lifestyle for osteoarthritis

  • Avoid dry, preserved and packaged foods,
  • Avoid carbonated drinks or cold food items.
  • Choose foods that are easy to digest and warming.
  • Excessive use of joints and underuse are both problematic, so get some exercise each day, but do not overdo it.
  • Try exercises that are easy on the joints such as walking, swimming and yoga.
  • Watch your weight keep it at an optimum level.
  • Do not withhold natural urges (such as burping, urinating, releasing gas, etc.)

Simple Home Remedies

  • Use warm teel (sesame oil) to massage. Massage improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation and stiffness.
  • Hot fomentation with decoction of tulasi helps reduce stiffness. 
  • Taking half teaspoon of fenugreek powder with water or buttermilk helps ti relieve pain
  • Boil half teaspoon of dry ginger in 4cups of water for 10 minutes. Drink this tea at a warm temperature throughout the day.


Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease where the pathological changes in the joint are almost irreversible. Ayurveda medicine can alleviate the pain significantly and treat the root cause the disease completely. Most cases respond well as far as the long-term pain relief is concerned. Ayurveda medicines are definitely suggested for osteoarthritis, especially for early cases where the medicines can slow down the degenerative process and offer considerable pain relief.

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